AB testing of power regenerators?? Ever do it?

Ever since the first grade I've been fascinated by clean power and how it impacts my audio system.  During recess I would escape to a nearby audio shop to see the latest Power conditioners and regenerators.

PS Audio seems to be the dominant player in power regeneration with their mystery box for thousands of dollars.

I don't have a power regenerator (I do use a power conditioner), and sometimes the sound coming through my system is alot nicer and I wonder if it's related to electrons flowing out of the wall, and would it be better to rejuvenate via regenerater all those electrons?

With that being said has anyone done AB testing of a power regenerator which is extremely easy to do to see the difference? And what are your findings? 



Showing 1 response by echolane

 I have two Triode Isolation Transformers.  I use one for my analog components, the other for my digital components.

IMy Trifield EMI Meter measured EMI over 700 mVp.p on every circuit in my house.    Measuring power out at each Triode Isolation Transformer showed a major reduction in EMI to about 10 mVp.p.  That was really impressive.

I  bought both  my Triodes used from an audiophile friend  for only  $150.00 apiece.  I did buy some expensive Shunyata power conditioner which  I soon returned because it didn’t come close to equalling what the Triodes measured.  

It seems I do have very dirty electricity.  My first attempt to address the problem was to install the recommended dedicated line.  But first we rigged up a test dedicated line.  There was no reduction in noise.  We measured the power where it enters the house and it was dirty to the same measurements we recorded inside the house on every circuit.  It seemed obvious the noise was originating outside my residence,  I don’t know where the noise is coming from.  I live in what looks like a rural town of only about 4000 houses I and the only businesses are a grocer, and a  hardware store nearby and a couple of miles down the road is a tiny business area consisting of a restaurant, a vet and not much more.  I’m a little suspicious it might be coming from my nearest neighbor, the local fire station, but that’s just a wild guess.