A warm DAC?

Help me pair a DAC with my Prima Luna integrated, Focal 1038 be and PS Audio Perfect Wave transport...Speakers are quite detailed. Looking to level out the high end. Prefer analog warmth. No interest in streaming, expect to use for CD play only...budget $2500.

Showing 3 responses by john1

What you’re looking for is a Meridian DAC The most tubelike SS DAC out there. To get the best out of it, cabling is critical however, I have an 808 but the ultra DAC is very similar & likely better still. There’s literally no more musical DAC - but not coloured. Very detailed as well. Arguably the MSB DACs & a few others are excellent too but as for musicality (w/o sacrificing much if any in the way of detail), it cannot be beaten. Please don’t take my word for it. Go listen for yourself. Read the Stereophile review for starters >
The DCS Rossini he mentions may be accurate but not nearly as musical having a whitish sound (I heard it with the optional clock). When you listen to it, make sure it’s with other than Meridian cables & of the highest quality. The better Kimber & Nordost Tyr or above work well.
Buy what you like but not at least hearing/auditioning the Meridian ultra Dac would be a big mistake. The inventor of MQA is not as dismissable a that.  John Atkinson agreeing (the link to his review in my last answer) is also not the nothing you perhaps think it is.  I can only suggest you acknowledge the above by hearing & then deciding - rather than the reverse or the second part only.  Good non-Meridian cabling will intensify this beyond description.  It comes up used from time to time as well.