"a stylish and affordable launch into the world of high-performance audio"

OK, is there such a thing as "too good to be true"?  They're definitely gorgeously beautifully looking and certainly at least as good looking as any "high-end" speakers!  But look at the price!  Only $374.00!!!  Can you have the cake and eat it too!  There has to be a catch!  Is there a devil lurking somewhere here!  I mean a high-end ScanSpeak woofer is already at least $370.00 in cost.  And that does not take into account a tweeter, and xover inductors, capacitors ... and so on.  And what do you tell people who paid $200K for a Wilson?


Showing 2 responses by audiozenology

Funny all the keyboard warriors coming into this thread to put down a speaker they would never consider.   Sad thing, or maybe not so sad, is these speakers in a somewhat properly acoustically treated room would likely image and create a sound-stage every bit as good or better than many of the expensive systems with crummy room acoustics all too common from "audiophiles".

To 8th-note's point, whether expensive or not, they are from a company that knows how to design speakers and make trade-offs. You may not like their sound, but many do, both at the low and high end, that is why they are successful.