A stupid question(s) about power cords

As the title indicates, I admit that this is probably a stupid question. But since I don’t know (for sure) the answer, I am asking it anyway.

The recent power cord thread got me interested in a power cord upgrade (from the stock cord) on my Maranzt SA10 (SACDP). The power cord receptacle on that particular component does not have a male equipment ground pin--only the neutral and hot pins. Therefore the cord supplied by Maranzt is a two pole (if that is the right terminology) cord. But because I have done it this way before, I do know that it will accept a power cord with an equipment ground as well as a neutral and hot.

Question 1: I went to musicdirect and looked at some power cords and I saw one (an open box Audioquest NRG Z2) that they were calling a two pole cord. The end that plugs in to the component only has a neutral and a hot, but the other end, the end that plugs into the outlet in the wall, does have an equipment ground blade (so that end has three blades). Why would that be?

Question 2: (and this is the stupid one) if a power cord has an equipment ground pin plugged into the wall, even if it is not plugged into an eqipment ground in the component itself, that cord is still connected to the neutral bus bar in the panel, right? So that being the case, since the equipment ground wire in the cord is right next to the hot wire, is there a way unwanted stuff (rf or whatever, my understanding of this is quite limited) can that dirty up the power that is traveling on the hot wire  in the power cord?

I think that the answer to the last question is probably going to be ’no’? And if the answer is ’no’, that means that I really don’t need to shop for only two pole cords, right? And I see this as sort of important because if I buy a two pole cord, the ONLY component I can use it on/try it out on will be my SACDP--there will be no playing around with a two pole cord on my preamp or my amp.

And ALSO, if I don’t feel constrained to shopping ONLY for two pole cords, I would probably have more options to consider.

TIA for legitimate insight to this, and to all others, feel free to ridicule me and my question--I don’t mind.





Hi, @mrdecibel -

     Every cable, currently in my system, is silver (except for the 8TCs on my Subs).  ie:  1 pair) Kimber KS1030 & 1 pair) KS1130, 2) SR AC Master Coupler X pcs,  6) Zu Mother pcs and 1 pair) Analysis Plus Big Silver Ovals.

                          Nothing pricey, fancy or- the, "latest and greatest".

      It's always been my opinion: if you use a cable that has the best available conductor and dielectric, it just makes sense that you should be able to better hear whatever the rest of your components are putting out, good or bad.     Given the rest of the cable's construction is worth a damn, of course.

       Outside of some stridency, from some* 1970's, Siemens CCa's, that I tried in my CDP (it takes six); I've never had an issue with brightness.    This moment: there are six early 60's (grey plate) CCa's in there and the presentation is excellent.

         And: that's with the coaxial horn tweeters in my Emerald Physics speakers, which SHOULD let me know if there's a brightness issue.

          As you mention: ears are a MAJOR variable and just one of a plethora, when it comes to this hobby.

                      *I had tried two of those, combined with four of the grey plates.

                                             Happy Listening!


@mrdecibel actually you are. Science doesn’t back nonsense. Cable break in is nonsense. Your ears get used to sound in that time - how can carrying electrons change? That would violate the laws of physics.

I find y'all entertaining. Please gone on - tell me I am wrong and how....


"Science doesn’t back nonsense."

- Science doesn't listen either, humans do and all hear differently. If your benchmark is your system, it is most likely eclipsed by most others that post here.  

There are reasons why some don’t hear difference between cables. 
most common…

1. Low quality components 

2. Bad room acoustics even with decent components this will be detrimental 

3. Bad setup - speakers are not properly placed, speakers blocked by large furniture, no designated listening position, no critical listening and again low quality components and room acoustics 

4. Listener is not able to hear differences - not everyone can. 
5. Listeners never tried and never will try upgraded cables. Thoughts based purely on “science” and or audio science review.

6. Doesn’t want to or doesn’t have the means to upgrade cables 

In any case, arguing with these people is pointless.