A stupid question(s) about power cords

As the title indicates, I admit that this is probably a stupid question. But since I don’t know (for sure) the answer, I am asking it anyway.

The recent power cord thread got me interested in a power cord upgrade (from the stock cord) on my Maranzt SA10 (SACDP). The power cord receptacle on that particular component does not have a male equipment ground pin--only the neutral and hot pins. Therefore the cord supplied by Maranzt is a two pole (if that is the right terminology) cord. But because I have done it this way before, I do know that it will accept a power cord with an equipment ground as well as a neutral and hot.

Question 1: I went to musicdirect and looked at some power cords and I saw one (an open box Audioquest NRG Z2) that they were calling a two pole cord. The end that plugs in to the component only has a neutral and a hot, but the other end, the end that plugs into the outlet in the wall, does have an equipment ground blade (so that end has three blades). Why would that be?

Question 2: (and this is the stupid one) if a power cord has an equipment ground pin plugged into the wall, even if it is not plugged into an eqipment ground in the component itself, that cord is still connected to the neutral bus bar in the panel, right? So that being the case, since the equipment ground wire in the cord is right next to the hot wire, is there a way unwanted stuff (rf or whatever, my understanding of this is quite limited) can that dirty up the power that is traveling on the hot wire  in the power cord?

I think that the answer to the last question is probably going to be ’no’? And if the answer is ’no’, that means that I really don’t need to shop for only two pole cords, right? And I see this as sort of important because if I buy a two pole cord, the ONLY component I can use it on/try it out on will be my SACDP--there will be no playing around with a two pole cord on my preamp or my amp.

And ALSO, if I don’t feel constrained to shopping ONLY for two pole cords, I would probably have more options to consider.

TIA for legitimate insight to this, and to all others, feel free to ridicule me and my question--I don’t mind.





Showing 22 responses by mrdecibel

OP, if you have not purchased a power cable yet....do this. Amazon/Ebay : Preffair Audio : Power Cable :  Amazing for the money < $50. Have questions about these, let me know. I have recommended these to many of my colleagues and all claim they are clearly superior to the stock cables. I concur.

Yes, Preffair, but a 10 gauge cable. Can get it with plastic shells or aluminum shells. Google : Amazon - Preffair Audio. You should be at their main page. Down on the right side, top right power cable. The one I am recommending has aluminum barrels/shells on the plugs, is a 10 gauge cable, and is grey cloth with a spiral line. Sorry, I am a laptop dummy.

Hmm. Rhodium plating has become popular in connectors. I am not concerned with the toxins from a plug or two. The reasons you mentioned are likely why they are brighter. Copper is generally the go to, as I indicated as the safer bet. My best, MrD. 

From the page you sent me, click on "visit the preffair store...you will see the one. Spiral stripe on grey. Select the metals for connectors and the length you need.

No. "Visit the Preffair store" from the page,it will bring you to their site. Scroll down a little, and the power cable will be shown far right. We will get there, as I am determined for you to get this cable.

From the Preffair main page, scroll down just a little. Right half of page, photo shows 4 cords*******the top right of the 4. you just sent bottom left.

Rhodium is a touch brighter at the very top, vs copper. Copper is smoother, possibly the safer bet.

First of all, you are again, over thinking. We are talking under $50. How many electronic components have plastic tops ? Any piece you own ? That is the best from Preffair. The shell is aluminum alloy. It does great. I would say, if you feel better about the plastic shells, go that way, but this cable is still a great way to experience high end power cables for cheap. And, metals sound different, as everything does. My best, MrD.

Let me be clear. I never stated the Rhodium is the one I recommended. The manufacturer gives you a choice, and I am very familiar with both. I hear no less detail, or anything less, listening with the Rhodium connectors. However, as I did mention, they do sound a hair brighter to me. I too like shielding in power cords. The grip in the terminal is very tight. If you have not tried it, what you say means nothing to me. Have a great day !

@rodman99999 my dear friend, you are so correct. 👍 However, I find silver, and silver plating in cables, extremely system sensitive, more so than the others, ime. My best, always, MrD.

@audphile1 I have tried all of the metals and all of the shells on these, and the aluminum alloy shells are incredible, to these ears. My best, MrD.

Everyone should buy one and try it out. Let it settle in for 100 or so hours. A very nice sounding cable at the price. @audphile1 I tried them all. I happen to like the Rhodium...in my system, to my ears, it has a slightly more open and airy top end, and a more dynamic midband. Bass about the same. It bettered many more expensive cables. If it is a coloration, it makes no difference, as my ears like what I like. MrD.

@audphile1 Great list. I have been part of this industry for a very long time. Since the internet, it simply amazes me how ignorant some people actually are. I am too adult to name call (but I will defend myself). However, to call someone "ignorant" is basically saying what you really mean, but politely. In this case, anyway. Enjoy ! MrD.

@immatthewj fyi, the carbon fiber shell does not offer any more shielding, as the cables themselves are shielded. Theoretically, the aluminum alloy shell should offer more shielding than the carbon fiber shell. 

@immatthewj Get one for your power amp as well. $150. all in for 3. You will grow into a believer, and a happy listener. They are so good for the price. My best, MrD.

@immatthewj I would hope that anyone who owns gear as you do, would have a dedicated room, or at least, a room that you have done some "conditioning" to. If the speaker/room/listening seat is not the best it could be, you are missing out on a lot of your audio investment. IME....just saying. MrD.

A lot of pressure to be under, having to report back on a power cable difference. I want to say, this difference will not be as huge as changing out a preamp, but ime, as much as a tube. You need to know your system. You need to know the particular music you have chosen. You should enjoy the music you have chosen, and simply relax during the evaluation. This is harder with tube gear, again ime, because when a unit powers up, it can take more than 3-4 hours to be at its best. One of the many reasons I enjoy ss gear. Ready 100%, 100% of the time. I am sensitive to gear warm up and break in (another topic that has been discussed ad nauseam). Anyway Matt...be patient and enjoy yourself. The improvements will show up, on any device. Some of us are here for you ! MrD.