A speaker stand with room for an amp?

I have rather large 2-way stand/bookshelf speakers and I'm thinking of going 100% active with them.  They have an external passive crossover already, so there's nothing to rewire internally.  What would be nice is if there were room for a small Class D stereo amplifier to be hidden in the stand.  Even better if it was adjustable for angle. 


Showing 8 responses by erik_squires

Unfortunately (for some of the replies) this is not an experiment in amplifier matching. While horizontal bi-amping may be a fun thing to do, simplifying and minimizing cables, devices and speaker distances is high on the list.

In an ideal world I would find a single stereo amp with built in DSP crossover and EQ capabilities to drive each speaker.

I can find small enough stereo enclosures for the amp modules I already have but I can’t find them with a built in crossover. Hypex and miniDSP and Dayton offer plate amps with all these features and miniDSP’s just happens to fit the back panel.

The alternative, a single stereo amp under each speaker is still do-able but leaves me with an external crossover and 2 XLR cables going to each amplifier.

Hi everyone,

So I've been doing some measurements and it looks like I can replace the existing speaker terminals and insert a plate amplifier that will fit my speakers.  I didn't think this was possible because the Hypex plate amps are all too long, but miniDSP offers an ICEpower version that is perfect.  My woodworking skills/tools are not up for the task though.  I'm going to have to ask for help.

This will solve all my connectivity problems!

Thanks for your help,



@kennyc I’m going to have to live with that, but at the end of the day the amps have to go somewhere. I’d like to have as short a speaker cable as possible.


@phusis I’m not running a broad based research project here. I have specific needs I want to accomplish. I will use a stereo amplifier for each speaker and I will put each amplifier underneath a speaker.

By an "ideal world" I mean it would be nice to have a stereo amplifier with built-in crossover and DSP in a shelf-ready form factor. All I can find in this regard are plate amps from Hypex or miniDSP which are meant for cabinets. I already have much of the ICEpower amplifiers I need. With some new cases I can build the stereo amps, but will still have to acquire a new miniDSP with balanced outputs.


Since this project is to convert my two way speakers from using passive crossovers to active I would like to have 1 stereo amplifier under each speaker and use one channel for the tweeter and another for the woofer.

In an ideal world, the DSP crossover and stereo amp would be one unit, but I will probably end up with a crossover under the processor, and run a pair of balanced cables to each amplifier.

@yogiboy  - Excellent recommendation, but about 5-8" too short I'm afraid.  The general form factor is perfect though. 

I think I should have gone looking at Butcher Block first, they have what I need with their speaker stands, even better if I can have them put a third shelf in below the top shelf.

It's all good, @mrdecibel I'm having some of those thoughts myself.  I am going down the route of very small Class D amps, with very short speaker cables.

@tvad I'm rather fond of Butcher Block products, so I'm thinking if I go custom I will ask them.  They have a number of speaker stands that are probably 90% of what I need. :)

@nonoise Oh those are very nice! They certainly look as if they'd have enough space for my amps! Thank you.