A simple question from the new guy ....

I have never listened to vinyl played with good gear. Are the pops and hiss still there when played on a good system? How about on a brand new record.....still there? I am constantly tempted to give vinyl a try, but I know the pops would drive me nuts if it is anything like I remember from long ago.

Showing 1 response by czbbcl

I have an audiophile friend who is into vinyl he has a JA Micheal Gyrodec, SME tone arm (I think), benz micro glider cartridge and cj ev-1 phono amp. I have listened to it and "Yes" you will still get the clicks and pops and surface noise in "general" with vinyl. Some albums will be very quiet while others will not. Also you will deal with warped/damaged records even when purchasing new. A record cleaning machine is a must if you want to get the most out of vinyl as cleanliness is the key to eliminating as many pops and clicks as possible and even then you will not (in general) get all the noise out.

I like you have also considered trying vinyl but when I hear all the hassles he goes through there is no way. I am all digital and since having the my SCD-1 upgaded with the Superclock 3/ Superclock power supply and the transport caps upgraded it is so good that my desire to even think about vinyl is gone. I would consider for asthetic purposes only if I was "extremely" wealthy.
