a "resonance" in my left ear

I have a "resonance" in my left ear. At certain frequencies the sound will get a lot louder, very similar to a high-Q resonance. It's especially obvious on piano notes.

I can demonstrate to myself it's my left ear and not my equipment in two ways.

  • Put on headphones, listen to the same signal in each ear 
  • Listen to speakers, plug one ear at a time

One clue is that I have tinnitus in my left ear. It varies in intensity and the resonance is definitely worse when the tinnitus is worse. However I can't tell if the resonance is at the same frequency as the tinnitus, which is very high pitched, while piano notes around 500 Hz typically stimulate the resonance the worst. I've even put a parametric filter on the music to demonstrate a notch at roughly 500 Hz silences the resonance. 

I've been evaluated by an ear doctor. My hearing is within the normal range. He didn't really even seem to understand my description of the resonance and said there was no test that could be performed. I asked for a brain MRI and they did that, but it was normal. 

Now here's the weird thing. Different DACs will stimulate the resonance to different degrees. For instance the Terminator 1 barely stimulates the resonance, while it goes completely nuts on the Gustard A26 and even more so on the Gustard X20 Pro. This is a bit distressing because I like so many qualities of the Gustards - I don't have the budget to try unlimited DACs and Gustard comes recommended by a friend in the NJ Audiophile Society. He can even mod it. But I just can't use it, the resonance is so bad. I haven't particularly liked other DACs I tried.

Anyway, wondering if anyone might have any theories.


Thankfully my tinnitus isn't so severe that I can after years, block it out 

I have tinnitus in my left year. When I was about thirteen years old, I was playing drums for a rock trio and the idiot guitarist damaged my left ear by increasing the volume to ridiculous. The blast lasted less than twenty seconds but was enough to do permanent damage. So my problem is probably very mild by comparison but what works for me is that I take a regular dose of Gingko Biloba whenever my tinnitus becomes more frequent. Will this work for you; I haven’t the slightest idea. A longtime friend of mine had some fireworks go off just next to his ear and nothing helps him. Other than the ginkgo biloba, maybe some holistic ear drops? As far as a specialist examining you, once the damage is done, it’s irreversible. So you can pay to see one hundred different medical doctors and you’ll still get the same diagnosis. 

For what it’s worth. I had something similar. My. ENT removed a bit of dead skin. Are you congested? Do you use nose spray? Pray to St. Jude? Good luck.