A light-hearted essay on loving music vs the audiophilia obsession

Dear all,

I penned a light-hearted essay about my audiophile journey and this hobby that is so deeply addicting.


Would love for you all to take a read, and comment. 
Perhaps your journeys are similar?



Showing 2 responses by rvpiano

Excellent piece! Very well written.
In my case I was a classical pianist who had a hi-fi loving friend.
Long story, short, he influenced me , and I soon became more interested in the sound than the music. I couldn’t believe the fact that I wasn’t really listening to the music anymore.
This was a very long time ago. And still fighting the battle.


“Your first example of commenting on the sonic clarity is akin to someone watching a video clip of a particularly poignant event of movie commenting on the video quality.”

So true!