- A Jazz Celebration of the Allman Brothers!

Just found this one on Tidal.
Big Band of Brothers - A Jazz Celebration of the Allman Brothers.
Liking it a lot so far! No surprise for me,
big Jazz Fan and long time Allman Brothers fan.
If you like either check it out!

Allman Bros. were a pivotal band to direct my ears towards jazz. Saw this triple bill in Dallas at the impressionable age of 14: Mahavishnu Orchestra – Dr. John – Allman Brothers.  Used to see Jaimoe in the Village Vanguard often.
Never heard of this album but am very much intrigued by it now that it has been made known to me. Looking for it on vinyl now. Enjoy the music
Thanks for the reminder - this is a great album I listened to at one point and had forgotten about - got to revisit it!  Really great stuff.  “In Memory of Elizabeth Reed” is fantastic.