A challenge to all turntable manufacturers

As I sit here, listening to Miles, Live at the Blackhawk, Vol II, a thought occurred to me. I'm strictly a CD source, all tube component audiophile. While I acknowledge the sonic benefits of a quality analogue source, I cant get past the convenience of 70+ minute CDs, shuffle playback, remote pause and skip, minimal care and feeding, and low cost compared to new quality pressings that CDs offer over vinyl.

However the thought occurred to me that a laser pickup is a technical marvel. If it can read the nano sized pits on a CD, surely the technology exists for someone to make laser pickup to read the hills and valleys of an LP pressing without converting it to one's and zeros. Think of the benefits of no complicated stylus alignment or wear, platter cleaning, etc., The pickup could also be made to read both sides of the LP allowing for continuous play, random, play, skip function, etc. Am I just dreaming? Technology today has given us things never thought possible before. Come on TT manufacturers, get to work. Thoughts?


... a laser pickup is a technical marvel. If it can read the nano sized pits on a CD, surely the technology exists for someone to make laser pickup to read the hills and valleys of an LP pressing without converting it to one's and zeros. Think of the benefits ... Am I just dreaming? ... Come on TT manufacturers, get to work ...
It's been done, with very mixed results. See this about the ELP.
It's a great idea but unfortunately the twin problems of D/A conversion and vinyl imperfections (scratches, dust and pressing issues) still remain.

Is it still better than dragging a tiny diamond at high speed over relatively soft vinyl? 

Maybe. But it needs to catch on to bring the price down and maybe also ditch that giant CD player look to boot.
that challenge has been fully satisfied.

better and more real world than the ELP is the optical cartridge from DS Audio.

this product is ’ready for prime time’ and resides in a number of high performance systems. and it can be used on any turntable or tone arm. it’s a ’system’......cartridge + phono stage.


there are a few ’gotcha’s’......but nothing that cannot be dealt with.