A cable routing reminder

If you have unshielded interconnects, be sure to keep them clear of any power cords - and power supplies. 

A few days ago, I swapped the power cord on a component. The replacement power cord has a relatively mellow signature. But after installing it, the HF started sounding etched. This made no sense. I had solved that problem long ago. This was a mystery.

It turns out that when I replaced the power cord - one of my unshielded IC’s fell from its support - directly on top of the shielded power cord. Even though the IC was laying at a 90° angle, the negative impact was quite significant. After re-routing the IC, the smoothness returned.

So, if you have unshielded IC’s, be sure to re-visit their positioning. Actually, it can’t hurt to re-visit the routing of shielded IC’s, also.


Showing 4 responses by nonoise

@steakster , and @richmon , you're welcome. I wish I could take credit for it but someone else here turned me onto that simple and cost effective tweek a while ago. That insulation makes it so easy to address the problems that reside behind the rack. 

All the best,
The insulator I use (which is a foam used inside of piping with a slit down the side) provides about <1" of barrier between the cables and it worked for me.

If I wasn't so lazy, I'd set about creating larger distances, but, like I said, I'm lazy.

All the best,
Thanks for starting this thread. One can be in this hobby a long time and forget some of the dos and dont’s.

Case in point (no, I’m not Rod Serling), I raised my cables a short while ago and heard the benefits. Then, I sold my beloved Barcelona chairs with matching ottomans for a recliner I could get in and out of easily, and fiddled around some more behind the audio stand.

Listening while trying out my new recliner, I notice the soundstage was lower and the lows were weak and not as focused compared to before. I checked everything with my laser and my head was only about 2-3" higher and just couldn’t settle on that being the answer. I could slump down and nothing improved. It was after reading this thread that I took another look behind the rack and saw that two pairs of ICs were now sitting directly atop two PCs, but at right angles.

I got some of that insulation made for tubing with the slit down the side and fashioned some short pieces to wrap around the PCs, raising and isolating the ICs from them and viola!

The soundstage is now as tall as it used to be and the lows are back and impactful as ever. To quote Billie Eilish, Duh.

All the best,