A brutal review of the Wilson Maxx

I enjoy reading this fellow (Richard Hardesty)



Showing 2 responses by cytocycle

Splaskin: "I am hoping that some of the Wilson Maxx2 speaker owners will see the light and sell their speakers for a good price. I would love to own a pair!"

Well Put! Go ahead and please contact me directly to get rid of you Maxx 2's because of a review... I buy based on what I heard, not reviews.. I learned that the hard way about buying based on reviews and hense sold a lot of gear on Agon.
Aldavis: Well spoken like a good socialist! 5/1 ratio.. so you are saying capitalism shouldn't exist.. So Ford and GM shouldn't make 20k profit on each SUV? I bet you believe in national health care too.. Why don't you hop across the border for Canadian health care (don't expect to find specialist for free)....and wait in line. If you don't like it; you won't buy it and vote with you pocketbook!! just like his online magazine that I will not be subscribing to..
Ranting and reviewing without listening (show conditions don't count since he has no control of what they play or how it is setup...) Condemning all designs (Electrostatic and Planar designs don't work either according to this Preacher...) He reminds me of college professor discussing theory but not living it reality..... Maybe he can get another grant from his congregation, but we wouldn't want him to research any new designs or listen to anyone elses ideas because those can't work!!! I didn't realize audio was so finite...

The only absolute is I will continue to buy what I like when I listen to it personally and sell everything else on agon.