a 3 way design speaker with the ESS Heil type sound

I have tried Klipsch RF-7 lll, ADS 780,880, 1290 ll, 1590 ll, ESS 3 ways with HEIL, and Daedalus Speakers. I still own all of these. Is there a speaker with the bass slam and dynamics of Klipsch RF-7 lll, and the midrange and tweeter sound of ESS HEIL, that is as beautiful, efficient, and easy to drive as Daedalus Speakers??

I have VPI prime. AT 760 SLC mm, and Sumiko Blackbird HOMC. Phono preamp is Ayre P-5xe. I run balanced out. I also have a Graham Slee Accession.

I use my Line Magnetic LM-515 CD player with balanced outputs. I like the sound. Great bass and extension. No fatigue with tube buffer output.
I have a Marantz SACD 30n for streaming, and SACD use. The Marantz is definitely a weak link.
I have Simaudio 740P balance into Simaudio 760A.
kinda dry sounding. Thinking this magic unicorn speaker (if existed) would solve my problem.
or do I need a good tube preamp??

looking for advice


Showing 3 responses by toddalin

You've just got to make your own, like I did, though they don't have the looks you crave.

Mine use a JBL 18", a JBL 10", and a Great Heil, modified unlike any other Heil out there.

I bought a Melton tube amp with P/P KT88s and do not care for it with the Heils.  I much prefer my Yamaha RX-Z9 receiver in "Pure Direct" with them.

Older recordings prior to reworking the crossovers, but that has no effect on the highs.  A quality monitor will easily display the differences.  Levels were matched to within 0.2 dBA with pink noise.

Some may prefer the "tube sound", but at least in this case, I prefer the solid state.





I hope people realize that if one wants to build their own, on occasion ESS sells a pair of the Heils with all the mounting hardware and rubber gaskets for $250/pair brand new on their web site.