7K for preamp,HT processor, source

May sell my present rig, CD/DVD/DVD-A player and processor and replace with preamp w/HT passthru, processor and source component. Would like to accomodate SACD/DVD-A if possible. Budget is around 7K for the trio. Music quality more important that HT. Any thoughts? Thanks.

Am also considering going the multichannel preamp route -- has anybody heard any of these? Could pair w/a universal player like the McCormack.
Speaking of McCormack..they have a multichannel pre-amp, I think it runs around $2,000. Most players now days have built in DD/DTS decoders that you could use for movies.

Yeah, am wondering if anyone has paired the two McCormack components. Or the Bel Cantos for that matter, but that's a whole other price level.
I reccomend a listen to the UDP-1/MAP-1 combo from McCormack. At $5,500 for the pair, I am convinced that nothing better is available today, including the Linn stuff, at a much higher price tag. I did not believe it until I heard, and bought the pair.
I'd stay away from a company like McCormack for digital stuff like a DVD player or even their HT processor. Small companies might be able to do some real R&D on an amp or 2ch pre, but not something as complex as a DVD player or processor that requires a bundle of chips and circut boards. That stuff is almost entirely outsourced so you are more likely paying for the name. I'd pick up the Arcam DV79 which is cheaper then the UDP-1, and has the new HDMI output. As for a pre/pro/amp combo that is entirely dependent upon your speakers so I won't comment there, but there are some multi-channel pre's that do quite well with music (EAD/SimAudio/Krell/Meridian/Classe) so I wouldn't rule them out.
Technically speaking, McCormack does not make an HT processor, only a multi-channel, analogue preamp. All processing must be handled by the onboard chips in the player that is connected to it. Regards.