602s3 B&W

Curious, I see my little used bookshelf 602s3's going UP in price. Almost all other used speakers continue losing value steeply. Anyone have a guess why this would be? Last ones to be pre-China product? Paid 550 new 2 years ago and now see them used for around 700.

Nice to know. I bought an almost new pair last summer for $400 (one corner banged slightly) and loved them before upgrading to Triangle speakers.

Plan to use them for HT.
Good question. I almost bought a pair back in 2005 but went with the DM601 S3's then upgraded to the DM603 S3's in 2007. However I always regretted not buying these as I was extremely impressed with the 602's. Could be that they are the last of the 600 series made 100% in the UK. They also incorporate a 7" dia midrange/bass driver where most of the other 600 series utilize 6" diameter except for the DM604's. They also have rec'd fabulous reviews over the years and are in "audioreview.com"'s top 200 all time speakers. Fantastic soundstage for the money.