5751 tubes and Rogue Tempest?

Anyone used 5751 in place of the 12ax7 in a Rogue?
Yes I have.If you like your sound a little more laid back it is very nice.
I switch back and forth all the time.
Make sure you get good NOS 5751.
I initially swapped out the stock 12ax7 for a telefunken 12ax7 in my M-120 monos. Then went to the RCA command series 5751. The 5751 is a keeper.
12BZ7 is the ticket. Much better dynamic contrast and safe to substitute for the 12AX7 according to Rogue.
I think the 5751's sound much better and have a LOT more focus than the 12AX7's. The 12AX7's sound fuzzy in comparison. Have not tried a 12BZ7.
As I posted in more length in a similar thread, I preferred the RCA 5751 over the Telefunken 12AX7. The Telefunken was more dynamic, I guess, but 5751 seemed to give me a sweeter sounding system. But it wasn't so much the dynamics but rather the musicality and reduced noise that the 5751 gave. I describe it as like going from ultralinear to triode all over again. But whatever the actual proper way to describe it, I just preferred the 5751 and am happy with the dynamics of my system. And my system is plenty dynamic.


Rogue M-180 monoblocks with RCA 5751, RCA 12AU7, Gold Lion KT88

Rogue 99 Magnum preamp with RCA 5692

Kimber KS-3035 speaker cables; Kimber select interconnects throughout

Silverline Bolero speakers

The system sounds fine to me.

Caveat: the bottom line is that you need to try a couple of the tubes you are considering and see how they sound in your system. What worked for me may not work for you.