4 8 or 16 ohms.

Hi group I just purchased the Audio Research REF 750s mono amps. On the back for the speaker terminals are 3 sets of binding posts. 4 8 and 16 ohms. I will be using B&W Matrix 800 speakers. I believe they are 8 ohms but not 💯 sure. I looked in the manual but can’t find anything about ohms. Someone said to me it does not matter what ohms I connect my speakers to. He said just use the ones (ohms) that sound best. Does that seem right to do ? I don’t want to damage my speakers or amps.  BTW if it matters I will be using an Audio Research REF 6SE pre amp. 

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I owned a Dyna 70 and still own a pair of Dyna MK IIIs. They had posts for 4, 8, and 16. I was always told it did not matter, but matching them to the speaker impedance almost always sounded best.

My Futtermans have only one post. The engineer says that they like 16. I am driving my 604s at 16 ohms (they can be modified to 8). The speakers at 16 have a 101 db efficiency.