-3db limits for dummies

can someone explain what these numbers mean to the lay person trying to set up an HT system. upper and lower -3db response...

I am tyring to set my 3 channel HT system to sound better and I don't really understand the best way to optimize crossover freq.

Bottom line I moved and some of my equipment is out of order, so for time being I'm stuck with Onkyo txsr705 receiver as amp, in room that is very reflective and it sounds wierd. sounds like tin... I'm sure my other AMP and my old big center provided a lot of depth and better sound...but for now this is where I'm at...
Hardwood floors. Polk RTI 10 right and left. new in wall center Polk 265 Timbre matched . spikes on speakers *should I take them off on hardwood?

Center Speaker info
91 dB
Recommended Amplifier Power
10-200 watts per channel
Total Frequency Response
Upper -3dB Limit
25 kHz
Lower -3dB Limit
45 Hz
Nominal Impedance
8 ohms

Total Frequency Response
Upper -3dB Limit
Lower -3dB Limit
Nominal Impedance
8 ohm
89 dB
Subwoofer Crossover
125Hz, 12dB/octave low pass
Mid-High Array Crossover
2.7kHz, 12dB/octave low and high pass. 125Hz 12dB/octave high pass
Recommended Amplifier Power
20-300 watts per channel

I also have a sub PSW 505 I have not hooked up because my preouts on my receiver are blown...
any suggestions on how my system should be set on receiver before PSW to optimize sound and after I hook it up.

Total Frequency Response
23Hz - 160Hz
Upper -3dB Limit
Lower -3dB Limit

Showing 2 responses by jmcgrogan2

dB stands for decibels, which is a measurement of sound pressure levels (SPL's), on a scale of 0 to 194. A zero value on the decibel scale represents the weakest sound audible to humans and sound intensity increases in correspondence with numeric values, the relationship among the values on the decibel scale is not linear but algorithmic.

Therefore, the simple assumption that a sound with a 50 dB level is twice as intense as a sound with a 25 dB level would be incorrect. Rather, in a perfect world, each three decibel increment affects a 50% change in sound pressure levels. Thus, a 3 dB drop reduces sound exposure by 50%, while a 6 dB drop reduces exposure by 75%. Though reducing the decibel level produced by a sound source from 80 to 77 may not seem like a major change, it would actually represent a 50% reduction in audible sound.

So to make a long story short(er), let's look at your RTI10's. With a -3dB at 35hz, these speakers will put out 50% less apperent sound pressure at 35 hz than at 38 hz. The corssover is set at 12 db/octave. An octave is double the frequency, so 20 hz to 40 hz is one octave, while 1Khz to 2Khz is also one octave. So if you lose 12 db/octave, your spl'd should be down 12 db at 20 hz when compared to 40 hz. In other words, while your speaker is putting out 89 dB at 40 hz, it's only putting out ~ 77 db at 20 hz, a 12 db drop is a drop of about 130% in SPL. Remember, 10 db is twice as loud, so 89 db is twice (100% louder) as loud as 79 db.
Riasillo, why do you feel compelled to change them from zero? Just because you can? Most amps (like mine) have no built in equalizer, so 99% of us here listen to 0 db across the frequency spectrum all the time.
I don't know if you can adjust the sound to sound less "reflective and tinny". You may be able to do something by dropping the upper midrange or high's by 2-3 db. It sounds more like you need some sort of room treatment. Sound bass traps, absorption panels, carpet, over stuffed furniture, something along those likes.