3D Labs streamer?

I am looking for a quality streamer and I was considering all the usual ones, Lumin, Auralic, Aurender, DCS network bridge, etc. I saw a post mentioned a streamer that I never heard of, namely the 3D Labs Platinum streamer. I found their website, it is all in French but google translate is your friend... It sounds an interesting product, it talks about the power supply which sounds like a good one and uses an FPGA but not much more information is given. I couldn’t find many articles on this streamer on the web or in forums either. Has anyone heard of it? Btw I am only interested in AES/EBU output, USB is of no interest to me.


Showing 3 responses by greg_f

There are so many options! One minute I settle on a Lumin U2 mini, the next is an Auralic, then a used DCS bridge and so on. Then you hear of new ones coming to the market recently and the search goes on. At this rate I will never purchase anything! Of course then it is all the network 'enhancements'. 

@fuzztone Right, that was another streamer I am considering, it is Pi2AES based one, is it not?

Ok with the big players but remember few years back they were newcomers too that hardly anyone knew of. I am all for supporting innovative companies that give you value for money. Of course the risk is you may get a half baked product or later no support if the said company goes under.

Anyway coming back to the question to give you a little more information about my system, the new streamer will be connected to a Trinnov ST2 Hifi that does DRC and that feeds a Weiss DAC202 which performs best with firewire (remember it?) or AES/EBU inputs. As the source, I am currently using a slightly optimised PC with a firewire card or a Teac VRDS CD player.