35 watts in Ultralinear vs 50 watts in Triode

I have read that Ultralinear mode in tube amplification provides more slam and punchier sound in comparison to Triode mode. Is this always true? for example, what about a Prima Luna Prologue 5 (35 wpc UL) against the AES Sixpacs monoblocks (50 wpc in Triodo) in terms of bass slam and macrodynamics? is the less powered amp gutsier and punchier than the higher powered amps just for being UL? Is Triode mode always kind of soft compared to UL regardless of power?


Showing 1 response by entrope

Having run Manley amps with triode/UL options I found that UL seemed to create a "sheen" or "veneer" over the music. It seemed "harder" Sorry I am lacking the vocabulary to be more specific.

I have always found triode much more listenable and approachable. OTL triode lacks for niether detail or bass slam as Atma-sphere owners will attest.