300b INTEGRATED AMP Suggestions

This will be my first post here but I have enjoyed advice from this site for quite some time.  

After living for many years with the Rogue Cronus Magnum I am interested in downsizing a bit to a smaller, more finessed system built around a 300B integrated amp.  I am intrigued by what I have read about SET amps and given my small room and musical preferences I think this could be a fun switch.  I have been looking at the Cary CAD-300sei amp and am leaning that direction but wanted to put this out there to see what comes back before I jump.  (I like the reviews and the positivity around Line Magnetic as well, however I'd like to stay away from the 845 tubes for heat reasons)  My musical preference is generally around folk, singer/songwriter, jazz etc but not limited to.  My budget is around 5k new or used.

I know speakers are a huge part of this equation as well.  I currently have some KEF r5 speakers that I would likely be looking to replace with something from Zu's line depending on where I end up with an amp decision. 

I'd love to get any recommendations.
Line Magnetic definitely offers 300b SET integrated.

Very intriguing new model ."Line Magnetic Audio 210IA integrated amplifier review NEW"
This is from their upper tier Silver series, better power supply and output transformers. Very high quality and heavy duty parts and construction. 5K new.

You have a plethora of excellent quality choices new/used in your price range.
For a small sample,
New, Coincident Dynamo MK III 300b.
Used, Mastersound Compact 300b
Trafomatic Experience 300b
Audion Audio 300b
Allnic T-1500 300b
Melody Audio 300b
Audio Space MK II 300b

The list can go on and on for good quality 300b integrated amplifiers for 5k or less.
My advice is pay attention to the level of quality regarding output transformers and power supply..
These are crucial parameters for SET amplifiers. This is  the last area you want  to go cheap. Be certain to have speakers that are reasonably high sensitivity. In a smaller room 92 db and higher is preferable. Equally as important is an easy speaker impedance characteristics/load.

A good quality well implemented 300b SET will bring your music to life . Excellent realism if done correctly.

See if you can find a used Art Audio Diavolo with built in volume control.  It will shine like the sun when paired with axis.  You can find them commonly in the $3-$4k range.