$3000 stand mounted speakers?

Whats a good contender in the $3000 range for a small monitor speaker to use with an EL34 tube amp w/ 40 wpc? The room is lively w/ hardwood floors and 18' x 22' x  9'H family area.
I'm contemplating the ProAc Tablet 10, but I'm wondering if I can do better by increasing my purchase up to $3k.

(FYI, I don't want floor standing speakers because of WAF, and have no problem from my end on this matter.)

Showing 1 response by tomic601

Sonus Faber, the already mention Dynaudio or Vandersteen VLR signature with the famous pistonic carbon tweeter derived from flagship model 7. Available in a variety of stock veneers up to wild custom woods.. fun, add a Vandersteen sub later with 11 bands of analog EQ to fix room issues. The VLR plays surprisingly low

have fun ! Enjoy the music