3 Albums To Be Stranded With On A Desert Island

If you were limited to only 3 albums to listen to for a very long, long time ... like if you were stranded on a desert island with a solar powered or hand crank music player .... what would they be?  Only 3 selections please!

My 3 would be the following:
Keith Jarrett Trio - The Cure
Weather Report - 8:30
Steely Dan - A Decade of Steely Dan

What would yours be?

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Alice In Chains "MTV Unplugged"
Tragically Hip "Up To Here"
JJ Johnson "Concepts In Blue"



Joni Mitchell-Hejira +1
Great album.

My others would be:

Pat Martino - Starbright
The Youngbloods - Elephant Mountain 

Joni Mitchell, yes of course, but it would have to be "Blue", got me through my teenage angst years, more or less in one piece.

Blue Nile, but "I walk across the rooftops"

Puccini La Boheme, only if it's the Beecham Version with Jossi Bjorling and Vittoria De Los Angeles.

 When she enters in the first Act, it's really like an angel has entered the room.

If I could have just one more it would be Martin Simpson's "Solid Air"