2 channel amp upgrade question

Time to retire my old NAD C270...works fine but upgrading my gear and now use AQ Rocket 33 Bi Wires into B&W CM9s...banana plugs won't work so...I  was considering several integrated amps for the convenience and to avoid running my Node2 (using their internal DAC), Oppo 103 and Project Expression III with a basic Sumiko through my NAD 758 AVR which I do now, plus power cords for external gear..I'm lso  trotting g out my old Nakamichi cassette deck to get refurbished...what the hell..anyway I'm OK with a basic 5.1 setup through the 758 but I like the idea of HT Bypass because..let's face it...I watch TV or Stuff on my Roku Ultra most of the time...but for serious stereo music I  think I can do much better...the CM9s sound good to me after careful room placement but my Gut says "More Current".. I use Transparent HDMI and AQ coax and Toslink digital cables and also use a powered sub for the bottom end...I have a difficult room, an old house with plaster walls and many curved corners etc..an example of what looks good and my price range is that Parasound Hint 6...local stores have Atoll and Rotel but Rotel doesn't have HT bypass...anything I'm missing? Thanks...
OP, I have the original Parasound Hint amplifier, and I believe that you won’t be disappointed at all if you choose the Hint 6. (The earlier Hint can be had for $1500 or even less used these days.) Besides the sound quality, I really like the flexibility of the inputs on the Hint, which gives you options for theater bypass, one or two subs (for HT or two channel, using adjacent jacks), toslink, and others. It’s a great choice at its price point, and you can sell it on later if you wish without losing much of your original cost, especially if you buy used. 
Anthem STR used can be had for similar money, personally I would look there or NAD M33 as well.  I can tell you I started down this road with the thought of upgrading to top of the line AVR but hearing a good integrated blew the doors off of that theory.  HT Bypass is a godsend.  I just kept my older AVR and have everything working in harmony now.