12'x16'x8' room OK for good stand mounts?

I got the OK from the wife to repurpose a room in the house as a listening room. The room is 11.5 x 15.5 x 8. I have always loved the sound of Joseph Audio speakers as I have heard them at every RMAF until they cancelled the show :-(

So I’m thinking this is the time to get Prisms or even Pulsars! My question to the group here is about the room and the speakers. I realize I will need room treatments. Since I’m about to retire, I will have time to build the room treatments and do lots of measurements to tune the room and speaker placement. The floor is concrete slab with 3/4" carpet pad and wall to wall relatively thick carpet. The walls are wood frame with sheet rock. I listen to rock, jazz, and classical at moderate volumes.

Will the room be too small for Pulsars or Prisms?

I also love the sound of Monitor Audio Golds. I was thinking Gold 200's, but I also worry the room would be too small for 200's. 

I appreciate any advice 


Showing 1 response by ghdprentice

I think you have a lot of room to choose your speakers. Your room is big enough for a 6 - 7’ triangle.. so three feet behind the speakers and three feet on either side of the speakers. And to have 4 - 5’ feet behind. If you add dampening to the front and rear walls, then at sidewall reflections you can use towers.


I prefer towers to stand mount myself. I like the coherency. I have heard and really like Joseph Audio speakers. But I am a Sonus Faber fan for me.


A few years before I retired, I did the same thing you are doing. Got my system thinking I would not want to upgrade after, but I could tweak. I think it was a great plan. I went from 45 minutes a day, to 3 + hours and it is my most enjoyable hours each day. I can’t begin to tell you how much joy my system brings to me.


FYI. For me I had bought a pair of Sonus Faber Olympica 3 for my retirement speakers (I’m not trying to convince you… these were perfect for my tastes). Anyway after a couple years of retirement I realized I could upgrade again. I over doubled my investment to what I have now. The difference was amazing and also led to the three + hours a day I spend here.


So, I think you are doing the right thing, at the right time, in the right sequence. My recommendation: don’t compromise if you can avoid it. You should have the time to enjoy it and, well, life is short… and getting shorter.