12 wire compared to Nordost Blue Heaven Speaker Cable?

This week I will get my new (to me) Denon 697ci to drive my Polk 8-T monitors. I have been using heavy gauge (12) speaker wire, but have a pair of Nordost Blue Heaven Speaker Cables coming. Will these cables sound any better than heavy speaker wire?


Showing 1 response by zlone

Welcome to Audiogon, apologies for the condescension. Honestly, I would not expect too much with the new cables. They may change the sound characteristics some, but are unlikely to be a significant upgrade for a couple reasons. The Denon, while nicely featured, may not be resolving enough to reflect the cable change. Secondly, I dallied with the Neardost gear from AliExpress, and other than a decent digital cable, the speaker, interconnect and power cables did not offer much improvement. Just my opinion though, the only way to really find out is try them. 

Nice collection of concert experiences, I have a lot of good stories too.