12 wire compared to Nordost Blue Heaven Speaker Cable?

This week I will get my new (to me) Denon 697ci to drive my Polk 8-T monitors. I have been using heavy gauge (12) speaker wire, but have a pair of Nordost Blue Heaven Speaker Cables coming. Will these cables sound any better than heavy speaker wire?


Showing 5 responses by ristrettox6

Greetings all! Sounds like I unintentionally stirred up a bee hive! I can feel the seething resentment and condescension from most of you. I have no idea why you are so filled with venom!

So, a statement about this listener:
I began my music path very young trying to build speaker cabinets in grade school. This was fun but produced bad quality. In college, a friend had some impressive audio equipment; I remember a top of the line Nak deck and a Lyn Sondec table. Very impressive! For fun we used to go to Paul Heath Audio in Chicago to bring in imported vinyl which they would play for us when customers left. I think the system was a tube Ampzilla played on a Magnapan variant which looked like room dividers. Hawkwind "hurry on sundown" was dynamic. Cat Stevens vinyl sounded "live." Later I went to a Fulton demonstration and heard what real base from a pipe organ sounded like on 30" drivers with electrostatic tweeters- wow!

So here I am trying to build a dirt cheap system this year. I spent $80 on the 697, $140 on the 8-t's, $50 on my DP-47F w/ Ortofon 10 cartridge. The Blue Heaven cables were $29 here= https://www.aliexpress.us/item/3256804265444804.html?src=google&gatewayAdapt=glo2usa

I also own some gear from my youth - a SA-8500 and a pair of 355 Barons, along with many other speakers. Some of you obviously are proud of your glorious investments; my modest system is being built to meet my budget as this is not my only pursuit. My 8' stainless Espresso counter also requires $$ along with roasting gear.

To those who support my adventure, blessings to you for your kind words!
To those who offered their snarky elitist derision, thanks anyway.

PS: I have attended 100's of live performances which would melt down most of the elitists here. Who? Ive seen John McLaughlin 7 times - both electric and acoustic, Oregon with Ralph Towner at Amazing Grace and the ASU hatbox. How about
Frank Zappa, Weather Report, John Lee Hooker, Muddy Waters, Michael Walden, Billy Cobham, Ron Carter, The Selector, Rory Galagher, Moody Blues, Talking Heads, Ted Nugent, BOC, Jean Luc Ponty (7 times), and so many others!

I am simply here to learn -period. If some of you want to insult me, go ahead and enjoy your pride. Thank you to the rest!



1. cundare2 - I would love to hear more of this! Your story so compelling and well written! I never was exposed to someone who had this depth of history with my favorite musician, Are you familiar with Shakti and the various incarnations of John's acoustic side?

2. noromance - Such an awesome acoustic progression...

3. roxy54 I came here with no conception of "fake cables!" The "shame" here should be upon those who flared at me for asking a civil question.


lak: Beautiful comment. This IS about the music for me also. Blessings to your mother.

zlone: Thank you for answering my question! Some day I'd love to hear about your concert history. I was just recalling the incredible sound system Cat Stevens had at the Auditorium Theater; massive room, pure crisp clean sound.

To those who called me "thick, a fool, troll, naive, posting a runaround and more, I really feel sorry for your displaced anger. Prayer helps!

I already answered you above.

"3. roxy54 I came here with no conception of "fake cables!" The "shame" here should be upon those who flared at me for asking a civil question."

Perhaps your response to dekay was accurate?