12 wire compared to Nordost Blue Heaven Speaker Cable?

This week I will get my new (to me) Denon 697ci to drive my Polk 8-T monitors. I have been using heavy gauge (12) speaker wire, but have a pair of Nordost Blue Heaven Speaker Cables coming. Will these cables sound any better than heavy speaker wire?


Showing 2 responses by mclinnguy


The Blue Heaven cables were $29 here= https://www.aliexpress.us/item/3256804265444804.html?src=google&gatewayAdapt=glo2usa

Yeah, those are not Nordost Blue Heaven cables. But hey, let us know if they sound better than your "12 gauge" cables.

knockoff thread



3. roxy54 I came here with no conception of "fake cables!" The "shame" here should be upon those who flared at me for asking a civil question.


I can't believe anyone is this thick. This must be a hoax.