12 wire compared to Nordost Blue Heaven Speaker Cable?

This week I will get my new (to me) Denon 697ci to drive my Polk 8-T monitors. I have been using heavy gauge (12) speaker wire, but have a pair of Nordost Blue Heaven Speaker Cables coming. Will these cables sound any better than heavy speaker wire?


Showing 6 responses by hilde45

Welcome to Audiogon, apologies for the condescension. 

Some of us don't suffer fools so gladly. Not saying this applies to the OP, but really, some of the naivete in posts are clearly worth some criticism.

OP, no shame in asking a question. I've done a lot of work on my system in the past few years, and here's my opinion. You might find it aligns with some of the things said above, but not with all.

My number one takeaway is that the room is by far the largest factor and best place to put money. John Darko does a nice job talking about his early experiences with acoustics and what he learned. Listen here.

Next, the key to improving sound is to seek out the bottlenecks first. Including the room. Only after those are all taken care of should things like expensive cables, and tweaks come into play. Those are garnishes -- they make a difference, but if the meat (room, speakers, amps, room, DAC, etc.) is mediocre, they cannot help anything.

As for those who say that your new expensive cables will make your (relatively) lower-end system sound better? Well, maybe. But what will be invisible will be the opportunity cost of spending on cables rather than on other bottlenecks. 

If I was in your situation, I'd take a breath, send the cables back, get the refund, and research a better way to spend the money. I'm not trying to be unfriendly or snarky or mean. I'm telling you the truth out of respect for the hobby you're undertaking, ostensibly in earnest.

The cables were only $30. May I please keep them?

I looked up that model. They’re $1100, or thereabouts. See this.

OP, is this some kind of runaround or did you get a counterfeit item?

I've already mentioned the potential bottlenecks, so reread my reply. Over and out.


Re: your original question, I think you may have a good sense of where to go by now. It may make more sense to upgrade the rest of your components before spending that type of money on cables.

Since he actually spent only $30, so I think he's got some $$ to spare for the rest of his components.

@roxy54 +1 a simple google search on Nordost is all it would have taken. Some feathers here getting ruffled by exceptionally timid breezes. (Self-concern trolling? Is that a "thing"? ;-) )

On another topic, I got this great Pass Labz amp for $129 at Best Buy. It's amazing!