$10k Speaker Cables??????????????

Where does this madness end??? My friend the editor reviews this craziness!!

Cheers George
I had to laugh at wesheadley's response. Not only does he "know" that cables plateau in the hundreds and not thousands, but he also has divine insight into the buying motives of others. Perhaps he would like to share with the rest of us a bit of his resume. I also think I can detect of bit of a shaming mentality so often present in discussions about the purchase of luxury items. 
My guess is that dogma would say that economic inequity is the root of all evil. 

I am with n80 in that I think your point is absurd.
I guess everyone is different about money. And it is always easy to look into someone else's situation and criticize it because it doesn't fit our own outlook.

There is the idea that if you have tons and tons of money then blowing it on $10,000 or $40,000 speaker cables is the thing to do.

I don't think I would be that way....I wish someone would give me tons and tons of money to test my theory.

But I was reading a sickeningly pretentious magazine called Garden & Gun that my wife gets and there was a model on a boat wrapped in a beach towel. The list price of the beach towel was $400. I think I can safely say that even if I was uber-rich I would have no need or desire for a $400 beach towel.

When I'm searching for a $10 item I'll still try to find one for $9.
But I was reading a sickeningly pretentious magazine called Garden & Gun that my wife gets and there was a model on a boat wrapped in a beach towel. The list price of the beach towel was $400. I think I can safely say that even if I was uber-rich I would have no need or desire for a $400 beach towel.
All depends if the model is included...…….