$10k Speaker Cables??????????????

Where does this madness end??? My friend the editor reviews this craziness!!

Cheers George

Showing 4 responses by audition__audio

Unlike the vast majority that have responded I am not a tourist and actually own the Inakustik cable below the 4004. I plan to buy the 4004 in the near future. I truly cant understand the dismissive attitudes of many regarding expensive cables and am shocked at the temerity of those that feel compelled to make comments on equipment which they have never heard. It seems that most of you feel that all expensive cables are created equal and that all manufacturers make the same absurd claims. I believe that many of you are worthy of the same intellectual contempt that most on this forum no doubt feel for consumers who believe a Bose Wave Radio is equal to a higher end 2 channel system. I think that this is a hobby that attracts consumers of above average intelligence which usually would mean that you wouldnt comment without experience and even more importantly wouldnt approach such topics with preconceived notions. Excellent 2 channel equipment is so much more than the some of its parts!

My guess is that dogma would say that economic inequity is the root of all evil. 

I am with n80 in that I think your point is absurd.
I had to laugh at wesheadley's response. Not only does he "know" that cables plateau in the hundreds and not thousands, but he also has divine insight into the buying motives of others. Perhaps he would like to share with the rest of us a bit of his resume. I also think I can detect of bit of a shaming mentality so often present in discussions about the purchase of luxury items. 
You dont have to resort to quoting the most extreme claims of some cable manufacturers to make your point. Not all of us that spend a fair amount on cables believes the most extreme marketing hype nor do we necessarily buy from the manufacturers that spew this nonsense.