100 watts enough?

Hi all.  I'm contemplating purchasing a CH Precision A1 and I don't know if it will drive my speakers adequately.  I have EgglestonWorks Andra III speakers which are 88db efficient (impedance 8 ohms nominal, 6 ohms minimal).  I have a 30x20ft  room and I sit about 14ft from the speakers.  I live in a condo and have almost nothing between me and my neighbor so I don't ever crank up the volume.  I use a VAC Renaissance preamp that I almost never crank past 9 o'clock.  The Andra III is a speaker that likes lots of power to open up.  So what do you think?

Showing 3 responses by tomic601

i would be more interested in playing a few key tracks…say for instance a hand clap on a Norah Jones cut….and LISTENING to see IF the amp clips….

the OP can leapfrog half of audiogon with purchase and use of a decent SPL meter…..
or better yet RTA w calibrated mic. I would say the CH is going to kick some A

thank you ! the guy who designed the Treo feels same way. To be fair the RM-9 amp also designed by a genius - Roger Modjeski - RIP.

Having said all that my reference system is 1.2 Kw a side….but it’s not a condo…

isnt it wonderful we all have choices
you will be fine as will your neighbor, see my casa Pacifica system for a nice condo system w 86 db speakers. almost perfect R60 measures with very little additional treatments