

Responses from zufan

Now That You've Ripped Your Entire Collection...
After 18 months of ripping my 1,100 CDs, I did another activity I'm happy about. I recycled all the plastic cases. Most went via craigslist, apparently folks need them. Then I bought a bunch of paper cd sleeves, in 5 colors. Color coded best I cou... 
Just moved to an apartment need speaker suggestions
The small Zu monitors.  
I want to introduce my nephew to hi end with your help!
I owned the wee NAD, and it's a hoot. Many input options as well. Way more powerful than it looks.  
Your picks of mediocre or lousy vocals with great musicians!
Joni Mitchell has a poor voice? You need to get out more.  
TUBE AMP LOVERS - What SS amp makes you smile???
Audio's overlooked gem, the Sony TA-A1ES integrated. Class A, sliding bias. And then there's this:  The TA-A1ES has simplified the circuitry of the amplifier's final stage by reducing transistors and eliminating the emitter resister, coil, and c... 
Revel Ultima Studio 1 vs. Legacy Focus SE.
I owned a set of Focus (non se) for a year. They're gigantic. I miss them otherwise. Laid back sound. Easy to drive. Easy on the ears. Not bright. And can pressurize a room (your whole house actually) to nightclub levels. If you're an spl guy, the... 
Powerful, smallish floorstanders with high WAF?
My gloss black with silver trim KEF Ref One’s, which I’m selling soon. Take a look at my system. 
Firefox freezes when using Audiogon
All of Firefox gets frozen. Cannot refresh tabs, cannot do anything but exit program via task manager. No problem on Chrome. No problem on any other site w/Firefox. It's just FF + agon = frozen. I'll get the 'not responding' first, then it freezes.  
Why do all audio forums on the internet seem "dead" ?
I'm amazed taters didn't start this thread.  
Anyone HEARD the qol 'signal completion' device?
Using the qol on pre outs on your amp would require another amp for the power.  
Gallo Classico Subwoofers
Wow that is some surgery!  
Gallo Classico Subwoofers
Tom - how you liking the subs? 
Power Cables for Class D Amplifiers
I've always wondered about this issue as well. I'll keep experimenting.  
Upgrading receiver: Got a pair of Dynaudio Sapphires+NAD C740
You check out a Peachtree 220se ? Inexpensive, sounds great, 20lbs, and loads of mustard.  
Dick's / Dave's picks
Dick's Picks #8 is profoundly good.