

Responses from zufan

Amp suggestions for Zu Omen Def mk2.
Primaluna! Done & done! Also a Cherry amp from Digital Amp Co, + the 10 ohm resistors Zu now sells. Try the resistors for fun regardless, why not?  
I've had the hapz for 5 years, and it's absolutely killer. Rock solid. Aging? Everything ages. I did swap hard drives with an SSD last year, now it's lightening fast, and makes zero noise.  
Favorite Miles Davis release
Live 1960 Stockholm.  
I bought the NAD C 658 a month ago and having a hoot. Enjoying MQA for the first time. The blu app is rock solid, works perfectly. Good all around.  
Lumin D2 DAC - worth it to upgrade?
@bo1972 if you are a dealer, why the generic username? Make your username your business name. Marketing 101. Actually, Marketing .001.  
I bought a new PrimaLuna Prologue Four from the 'deals' section on Upscale Audio, just a couple weeks ago. I bought to match with my new Zu Omen Def. Mine was open box, paid $1,200. Screaming deal. Anyhoots, since then, I've inserted KT120, for cu... 
What preamp are you using with Primaluna Dialogue Premium HP amp?
@subtlebeast - did you upgrade to the Radian, post-sale?  
Zu Omen MK11 Speakers and Nachamichi Strsis SR 2A Receiver...Good Match ?
Do you already own both? How about you tell us how it sounds?  
Carver Crimson 275 tube amp
Anyone heard the 275 on Zu ?  
Question for EBTG fans.....
@thosb I've seen more shows at The Cedar than anywhere else. Lotsa African bands in particular play it. It's on the west bank U of M. I've seen Tinariwen there 3x. Now THERE'S a hypnotic band live or recorded. Check them out!  
Adam Ben Ezra - Pin Drop
@n80 Aye, it does dip into the abstract. It's def not straight jazz. Thanks for giving it a try!  
What preamp are you using with Primaluna Dialogue Premium HP amp?
@arch2 I just received a PL Prologue Four amp from Upscale, one week ago. I have 101db speakers (Zu Omen Def II, also new). I sold my Schiit Freya pre a few days after receiving the amp (too noisy w/tubes in circuit). Ergo, was also in a pre pickl... 
Pet Sounds: Most Overrated Album of All Time?
Fascinating bio pic on Wilson a few years back. Paul Giamatti plays his dark mgr overlord ahole guy. They recreate the pet sounds sessions in the film respectfully. For me, the 'masterpiece' that I loathe is trout mask replica. Makes me want to se... 
Is there any "audiophile grade" Reggae out there on CD?
Steel Pulse - True DemocracyLinton Kwesi Johnson - pretty much anythingBurning Spear - Live (sounds like being at a real show if your speakers are big enough) 
Question for EBTG fans.....
I saw RL twice in the late 90s. Packed place in Mpls both; called First Avenue (where Purple Rain was filmed). Anyhoots he mad shred each, just burned it down. His live record 'burnside on burnside' will frighten most stereos into submission. It's...