
Responses from zkidd

OKay - I lied.  I am back. And this is not about tubes so relax:gguy767, you said something interesting to me in one of your posts. You wrote this:"I think I'm a tad more of a music lover than an audiophile."Interesting as I said. What is your def... 
As long as I am being long winded and opining away, I would like to add one more thing and it is this: where a lot of people recommend going with NOS tubes for their or others tubed gear, how people are actually running NOS power tubes? Who out th... 
To dmk_calgaryAh, tubes. An area as dangerous as cables. I see from reading some of the replies that at least person believes that I prefer new production over NOS. Not always the case. What I am stating is that there is almost a prejudice that ne... 
You are welcome. This is why we call it a "community". There is a lot of information and opinions out there. I try to temper mine with experience rather than blind allegiance or romantic notion.  This can be a really fun hobby but also painful at ... 
I would also like to add that tubes / tube changes cannot correct a poorly designed piece of equipment.  I have looked at schematics on some pieces of equipment and could not make sense of what I saw. Some tubes were tied into others and some not ... 
As a man who owns all tube gear and has for 25+ years, the whole tube arena is not for novices. No insult here because I too, was one of those who learned about tubes the hard way; spending way too much, or not enough, seduced by NOS tubes when in... 
Opinions what are the best floor standing speakers in these ranges $$??
Anything DALI. They have a lot of good speakers but yes, you should look at monitors as well. And start saving your money because you will want to upgrade soon as nothing in this price range will be satisfying for long. And the Silverline speakers... 
Ebay sellers switching tubes
Not more than a few months ago I walked into one of my favorite local high end stores and the owner hands me a tube and asks me what it is. Easy. It was a very common and not too good sounding run of the mill GE tube. It was easy to tell with the ... 
Who else here is frugal?
Deaf thief.... 
Who else here is frugal?
A friend of mine was possibly the second coming of "The Audio Cheapskate". He was constantly, and I mean constantly like every hour of every day looking for that one "giant killer". I helped him haul more speakers, amps, speaker stands, cable etc.... 
Who else here is frugal?
Frugal and high end audio = oxymoron.  
BAT VK 53SE vs ARC Ref 5SE
hk_fan also nails it. The 6H30 tube is like a transistor and yet in my experiences even worse than some transistors for even a MOSFET has some life in it compared to the 6H30. Truly, with some excellent new re-released tubes out there plus several... 
Need insight on these amps
Hi audiogabby,The VK-500 I had was opted out to the max as well. The difference between the 200 and 500 was extraordinary but so was the price. And yes, my 500 came from the early 2000s and I have to wonder if Viktor's stuff is still the same. I c... 
upgrade from Peachtree Deco 65 to Nova 150s (with Reference 3a MM de Capo-i speakers)?
Is there something that you feel you are missing and hence the change or is this more of the "audiophile I have to change because I have not changed anything in awhile" feeling? No shame in that as we all have done it, are doing it or will do it s... 
BAT VK 53SE vs ARC Ref 5SE
Unless I have missed my hunch here both units use the "Super Tube", which is the 6H-30 tube I believe.  As someone who has owned over 30 preamps (yep, I am OCD in this area and I know it) I have a pretty good idea of tubes, and tube amps, plus I o...