

Responses from zeal

Goldenear Triton One R vs. PSB T3. vs. Spendor D7...
To stereo5Didn't your crystal ball tell you I already have a mommy to give me advise? Didn't your crystal ball tell you that maybe I heard the GE's and the PSB's  a few years ago and I still wanted more up to date opinions on the improvement that ... 
Goldenear Triton One R vs. PSB T3. vs. Spendor D7...
No, I asked a different question this time. I added the Goldenear's Triton One R.  I'm hoping to get different opinions and a lot can happen in a year. 
Holo Audio Spring DAC LEVEL 3 Vs. iFi Audio Pro iDSD DAC and Music Streamer
$150 DAC, you got to be kidding? 
Spendor D9 vs. PSB T3 speakers.
How would the Goldenears compare to the PSB's and Spendors? They are about the same price. 
Kinki Studio EX-M1
My Rogue Audio Mono Blocks with the KT120's is about 240 watts per speaker....it does the job on my SL3's. The Kinki is 400 watts at 4ohm which would do the trick I would think if it has the current. I was wondering if they could pair with the Kin... 
Kinki Studio EX-M1
Are the Padis fuses anything like the high-end fuses Synergistic research puts out? 
Kinki Studio EX-M1
How will the Amp sound with 89db 4ohm Martin Logans? 
Kinki Studio EX-M1
Would I be able to hook up my REL sub-woofer ABC wires to the amps outputs? 
how can I get DSD signal from my Sony SCD5400 ES
The NAD M-51 does not work with the Sony AX5400ES HDMI output. I tried. 
April Music,Stello Ai700 Intergrated Digital Amp
Yeah, however I already have a Stello Ai500 which I think is great. I really need a Streamer more then I need an amp. If I was going to get another amp I would like it to have a streamer and or a DAC. I still would like to know what it sounds like. 
Universal remote for a Stello AI500.
sfar, Thanks for the info. Will I need a computer? Will any Logitech Harmony remote work? 
Whats a good all around digital cable for under $250. I only need half a meter.
I have a Audioquest vodka  HDMI. nice 
Whats a good all around digital cable for under $250. I only need half a meter.
Mapman,I am using Audioquest. 
Whats a good all around digital cable for under $250. I only need half a meter.
All my other cabling is Synergistic Research. Has anyone tried out their digital cable? Something along the lines of their D1 maybe? 
Whats a good all around digital cable for under $250. I only need half a meter.
Never heard optical. I have 2 Audioquest cables, They sound completely different. The shorter one is too hot on the top end and the 1 meter is more bottom and mid-range.