
Responses from zd542

Schematic for Melos hc 180
I agree with Jjrenman. I would do a bit more isolating first. One of your other components could be at fault. Have you made any changes to your system lately? (New components, fixed something, moved the system, etc) 
The Gear to drive Mini Maggies
I'm really bad at spotting jokes until I fall for them. If you are serious in your above post, then I apologize. It seems to me that your choice in amps given the speakers you intend to buy is a bit overkill. 
Dynavector DV20x2H cart for MM phono stage ?
"Can I use a preamp with MM phono stage for this cart?"Unless you have an exception like Ejlif and his Whest, you will need to use a MM phono stage. Otherwise, you will almost certainly get a lot of distortion. Being able to use a MM phono pre, in... 
Body for Maggies: Hegel Pass Sanders or Ncore?
Zuio,I know you have not bought anything yet, but have you heard a system with Magnepan speakers in it that sounds like you want it to sound? If so, what was the whole system? 
Cary SLI-80 or Unison Research Simply Italy??
I would buy the one you heard and you know you like. 
5.1 under 4k?
"How do I tone down an amp to not damage the newly purchased speakers?"That's not a problem. You adjust the gain for each channel using the preamp in your Marantz just like you normally would. The best way to not damage your speakers is to listen ... 
5.1 under 4k?
You have pre outs for all of your channels. You can get a separate amp of any of them and still use the amps in your 7007 for any of the channels you don't get amps for. For example, you can buy a 2 channel amp for your front left and right speake... 
5.1 under 4k?
I think you made some good choices. I had the 2nd generation Silver S8's myself and really enjoyed them. I'm sure the newer version that you have will sound even better. Also, I think it was a very smart move to go with the better centre channel. ... 
Looking for a CD player
78? You had me fooled. You post like 2 39 year olds. What about a DAC? Both of your players have very good transports. There's a huge selection of DAC's in your price range, both new and used. 
How long do B&W 800 series speakers last
Ct0517,I really wasn't offended. I just thought you were kidding around. 
If you were setting up a music server today ...
I'm not an expert, but I'm pretty sure Elescher is right. I would never go wireless. Why don't you experiment. Move your equipment closer together and connect everything with cables. See how much of a difference it makes. 
How long do B&W 800 series speakers last
Ct0517,Nice try. Those speakers were blown out long before that album even came out. 
Looking for a CD player
I know exactly what you are asking. I had the 640 and I have an Arcam 33. Its really a tough call. For now, I would keep them both and alternate between the 2, and save up for something really good like an Ayre 7 or a Wadia 301/302. With a CD play... 
How long do B&W 800 series speakers last
Fortunately for my ears, my 802's only lasted a few months until they started blowing drivers. If you are looking for a new pair of speakers, you can do far better for less money. 
Questionable Estate Auction practice
"But what are you gonna claim? The auctioneer does not owe Fse any money. Fse did not suffer any $ loss. He lost the opportunity to buy something. The auctioneer no longer has the item so he can't sell it to Fse at any price."I know that sounds li...