
Responses from zd542

Revel or Aerial
I would wait until you get your M51. There's a very good chance that you'll get what you are asking for with that in place. You're right on the preamp. Its very important to get that right or your system just won't come together and sound like it ... 
Have you found reliable online used vinyl vendors?
If you're careful, you can get some good records on ebay. Quality sellers understand the importance of good feedback, and do whatever they can to keep it as high as possible.If you know what you are doing on Amazon, you can do extremely well there... 
VPI Scout 1.1 distance from phono-pre
" I assume the scout has some kind of amplifier on the tonearm."No. I think you may be confusing the block with the RCA terminals on it with some type of active device. Its just a clean way to terminate and mount the end of the tonearm cable. 
Multicore CPUs: Any risk to audio quality?
I don't see how a better processor can hurt SQ. If anything, it may help.If you need a good case, look at the Corsair Obsidian series. They're made very well and designed to be very quiet. I have one and like it very much. 
Mcintosh MX-113 phono problem
Without hearing the problem first hand, we can only guess as to what the issue may be. I can think of a few things you may want to look at. The first thing I would look at is to check and see if you have your phono pre set properly for your cart. ... 
Which Power Cord are you using with Parasound A21?
It's very easy to make a mistake with PC's. I wouldn't take a chance and buy one without a demo. If you call The Cable Co., they'll lend you a few so that you can try them in your system first. I've been using them for years, and wouldn't do cable... 
Aesthetix Calypso with Music Reference RM200
"Also considering quicksilver v4."Get those. You just can't go wrong. The only small issue is that they're not balanced to match your Aesthetix, but the overall sound quality of the V-4's out weighs the need for balanced operation. They'll really ... 
Dynavector 20xH - Boring Presentation?
What made you go with the high output version? Your EAR shouldn't have a problem with the low. I ask only because I have one and am pretty happy with it. Either way, put a few more hours on it before you make a decision. You should definitely hear... 
Dynavector 20xH - Boring Presentation?
I forgot to mention that you will have to set your 834P to MM and not MC. You probably know that already, but just in case. 
Dynavector 20xH - Boring Presentation?
Its not broken in yet. 25 hours isn't enough time. 
Thiel CS3.6 with issues: take the chance?
I would pass on this one if I were you. It looks like those speakers have more problems than a math test. 
Aesthetix Calypso with Music Reference RM200
Are you only looking at the RM200, or will you consider something else? What's your current amp? 
Amp recommendation for B&W 801 Matrix SII speakers
The highs are bright/harsh on the B&W. I would look at something from Rowland. Model's 10, 12, and 112 would be a good match. 
Spectral pre-amp through Pioneer Elite receiver?
Plug your TT into the Spectral and go directly into your Rotel amps. Bypass the Pioneer altogether. If you have any other sources, like a CD player, plug them into the Spectral as well. For music, that's just the best way to go. 
Modern integrated vs. vintage...what do I get?
We can make recommendations all day long, but the truth of the matter here is that you need to do some listening before you make any decisions. What part of FL are you going to? I know a few places that are worth visiting but Florida is a pretty b...