
Responses from zd542

Best Option To Liquidate CD Collection
"What about all those CD's I purchased early on that the foil separated from the plastic. The record company's never gave me new product or my money back. I even wrote them letters about it and got not replies. If the record companies are not hone... 
Desktop speakers for mixing AND music?
"Out of curiosity, what makes for a good speaker for listening but not for mixing? I never mixed so I'm lost with my admitedly basic thinking of "both need to reproduce as acourately as posible, right?"I've noticed some differences between the 2 t... 
Clean Enclosure Von Schweikert VR-1's
Get a can of high quality automotive break cleaner and a micro fiber rag. Spray a small amount on the rag and very lightly run it over the wax. The wax will come off right away and with very little effort. 
Terminological Exactitude....
Are you an engineer or something similar? 
DAC as an attenuator?
"09-01-14: Big_katydidZd542. The idea would be to use the DAC to attenuate CD signal into the preamp input so as not to relatively overdrive it, quite common with low sensitivity input line inputs."Unless you have a very odd preamp, you shouldn't ... 
do i change the preamp or the speakers?
"So the question i have is this. Do i change the speakers or do i shop for a replacement preamp."That's a difficult question to answer. I think you're right to be looking at those 2 components. The only problem is there are so many variables invol... 
Pro-ject speedbox: Is improvement worth the $ ?
They usually make a very nice difference in sound quality. But it depends on what you have your TT plugged into. The reason speed controls usually make a big improvement is that speed will fluctuate with your AC. Its like a light bulb. You can som... 
DAC as an attenuator?
You can do it but it defeats the purpose of using the built in volume control. 
Excessive sibilance and edge....treat room?
"08-31-14: DavehrabJMO ... Pc123v’s syllabus and edginess issues are in the mid treble region between 2500 and 5000hz ... they are being created by excessive energy in that region ringing longer than normal ... this is referred to as Long or Exte... 
Best Option To Liquidate CD Collection
Now I know why my uncle Vinny always tells me to have people meet me under the bridge with the money in a brown paper bag and not tell anyone. At this point, Blueskiephd, I think you should just go down to your nearest FBI office and turn yourself... 
Desktop speakers for mixing AND music?
I think you meant Lewinskih01 and not me. He's the one that brought up the AE's. I haven't heard them myself, but they do look like an excellent option. 
Searching RCA U-splitters
"09-01-14: SfarThis Audioquest RCA splitter has the advantage of having no extra cabling involved and is very nicely made."Those are very good. If you can't find them, Monster makes ones that look almost exactly the same. 
Newbie McIntosh Question for MX118 Pre Amp
You need to buy a phono preamp. 
Dynaudio, Devore Orangutan, or Harbeth
If you don't listen to this gear before you buy it, you'll probably make some big mistakes. Also, it looks like you are just piecing all this together and not really considering the entire system and how everything will work together. 
Excessive sibilance and edge....treat room?
"You used the microscope analogy as a bigger than life product as it would relate to a recording."Now I get what you are saying. I didn't mean it like that. I was thinking in terms of distance or proximity. For example, when a voice is very closel...