
Responses from zd542

Difference in B&W sound
More open could mean many things. It would be a better comparison if you were to listen to both speakers without any processing. That way, you are hearing more of what the speakers can so. 
In defense of ABX testing
"01-17-15: Bob_reynoldsDrs. Floyd Toole and Sean Olive have been doing blind listening tests of loudspeakers for over a decade."I've seen all these before. I'm assuming everyone else here has too because they are fairly popular. They don't address... 
Infinity Primus P363 TAS review
"What do the Infinities suck at?"Read the post again. No one said that. 
Best speaker Cable matching Wilson Audio Sasha
"Zd542, please direct me to this, I cannot catch everything, only humane,with those post, I agree with you, a fraud that need's investagated!"I wasn't being serious. I know you can't catch every everything. Go to the link Ronnjay lists in his post... 
Difference in B&W sound
"What sounds "Better" to an individual is purely subjective. No specs alone will tell you that."I can't think of a better way to put it.We all have different tastes. I had the 802 S3's and didn't like them at all. That said, there's always the pos... 
In defense of ABX testing
"Nobody is denying the existence of placebo effect or expectation bias or it's ugly sibling the reverse expectation bias or any other such psychological effects. But to declare that there are no proper tests is a little bit inaccurate."No, its not... 
Best speaker Cable matching Wilson Audio Sasha
Audiolabyrinth,I knew his posts were BS. There are not the kind of topics that anyone at Tara would bring up. My guess is that he's from this company Behold. He made these 2 posts."Hello! My name's Cody; I work for TARA Labs. Not here to promote a... 
Infinity Primus P363 TAS review
Onhwy61,"As I stated above, REG is an outstanding reviewer. Rather than lump all reviewers together, take the time to figure out if some of them actually know what they are talking about."Fair enough. But I'll ask the same of you. Here's one of my... 
In defense of ABX testing
"01-15-15: GeoffkaitThere is no such thing as a test that can be be generalized. Someone else may get entirely different results. Then which test is correct? And who decides?"The whole issue is that there are no test's. There never have been and t... 
In defense of ABX testing
""The problem with sighted evaluations is very visible in consumer high end audio, where all sorts of very poorly trained listeners claim that they have heard differences that, in technical terms are impossibly small or non existent.The correspond... 
The end of pono?
That's exactly my point. I don't think we disagree on this. All I was trying to say, was that after reading the article I posted the link to, the average person (non audiophile), is very likely to believe it and not question further. Its a pretty ... 
AQ Earth interconnects..echo?
"01-15-15: SheilalagroPerhaps that's it,more ambiance retreval-Could have done without..$1000 is alot for these cables,Regret the purchase"I wouldn't be too quick to judge here. Reading your original post, it seems like your instinct tells you som... 
Infinity Primus P363 TAS review
Hesson11,I tend to agree with you overall. But, I didn't mean that comment to be taken completely literal."What does the speaker suck at? That's what I want to know. lol."See the lol at the end? I try, but no one ever gets my humour. Oh well, back... 
AQ Earth interconnects..echo?
I have the Columbia's myself, and looking at the Earth, I don't see that much difference between the 2 cables. Its possible that the Earth is revealing more details than the Columbia, showing weaknesses in the recording and equipment. If Earth was... 
Infinity Primus P363 TAS review
One last post, just to be clear, but I wasn't saying anything negative about the Infinity. I just don't think the audio press always puts reviews out in ways that can best help readers make a good choice. What does the speaker suck at? That's what...