
Responses from zd542

Bryston BP26 with Pass Labs
" Its just that in other posts, some of your comments and ideas are way out of the norm for the discussions on this web site. What does that have to do with anything and why does it bother you so much? Would a little tolerance of others be too muc... 
Magnepan .7 - what to power with etc.
I like Rotel, but I would do things a little different. I would try to find a good RMB 1090. I think it would be a much better match for the speakers. Then, for the other 3 channels, you don't have to spend a great deal of money. Emotive, would be... 
Anything as " fast" as SPECTRAL gear?
"define/describe amplifier 'speed' from a subjective/sonic perspective. As yet, no one has given a description of what a 'fast' amp sounds like in comparison to something unremarkable."If you recall, you did ask this question a few days ago. I did... 
Importance of Amplifier versus Preamp?
vandersteen 2ce sig ii listening distance and tilt
You don't do it like that. Place your speakers and your listening chair where you need them to be in your room, and then sit in the chair and run a tape measure to get the distance between your head to the center of your speakers. It's not necessa... 
Your favorite LP nobody has ever heard of
"A record you are protective of. A record you want to keep to yourself. A record so personal it hurts to reveal."What the hell is on your records? If I were you, I would just keep this kind of info to myself, or the only record you are going to ha... 
Bryston BP26 with Pass Labs
"Yet you assert Bryston and Pass preamps are polar opposites without ever having had a Bryston pre in your system. What is your actual experience to back up that assertion?"I listened to them both."without ever having had a Bryston pre in your sys... 
Tad 1000's quiet?
"02-18-15: BrinmelissNo, I plug the Mac or iPhone straight into the pre.Brinmeliss (System | Threads | Answers | This Thread)"Make sure the volume is all the up on everything you are plugging into your preamp."02-18-15: BrinmelissHow would I plug ... 
What speakers for 10k?
"02-18-15: ToddnkayaI'm sure you read the glowing review in the Review section here on Agon ah?Toddnkaya (Threads | Answers | This Thread)"No. I don't read reviews. It was just another poster who made some comments. 
Bryston BP26 with Pass Labs
"Why must so many audiophiles magnify the relatively minute differences between high quality, great sounding components?"Because the differences are not always minute. Especially when it comes to preamps. They have a very big effect on sound quali... 
Amp Selection Help
"P.S. the post forgot to mention the obligatory comment about metal dome tweeters (normally said in a way that implies B&W are the only ones who use metal domes) Lol...Abrew19 (Threads | Answers | This Thread)"Using a metal tweeter and getting... 
What speakers for 10k?
"02-18-15: Jugheadok sevevshy if the wavetouch isn't my bag I'll give those Magnavox speakers of yours a shot."I was reading a post the other day and one of the posters said they bought a new pair of WT not long ago, and they are very happy with t... 
cartridge install issue
I'm not sure if it will apply in your case, but phono cartridges break in a lot. They sound terrible new. You need to put at least 50 to 100 hours on them before you make any judgements.Make sure that when you install the new cartridge, none of th... 
Harbeth speakers vs Audionote
Where do you live? I know a really good dealer that sells both brands, and does a pretty good job setting the stuff up so you can get a good demo. 
Matching a preamp with a different brand
You really can't trust specs to give you the whole picture. Not everyone measures them the same way. The only way you can really know for sure, is to try the preamp with your components. If you can't do an in home demo, most dealers will have no p...