
Responses from zd542

Which amp to buy? ARC GS150 or Reference 150 SE?
"Every time I go back to my Conrad Johnson gear, it makes me realize how good it sounds. I do like the variety of different gear, but never lived with ARC. A friend had it and it was great but can not comment on how it differed from my CJ gear bec... 
Value of a 'ground filter' ?
They defiantly look like they would be worth having. A question I have is, can you get the same results with a traditional line conditioner or regenerator? 
Which amp to buy? ARC GS150 or Reference 150 SE?
What speakers do you plan to use? 
vandersteen 3A Signatures or Dali Helicon 4 MK II
There's nothing wrong with McIntosh, but you won't get the best out of the Vandersteen's with that combo. You may be better off with a different speaker. 
Electrostatic speakers and low volume resolution
I've been reading some of your posts and am kind of familiar with your situation. What you're asking here may be too subjective of a question to get a good answer. Is it possible for you to audition some equipment first hand in order to gain some ... 
AVM 50
You should be able to run cables from a stereo analogue output on the satellite receiver to your Anthem. 
b&k 125.2 amp speaker posts
I believe you can use spades with the binding posts as they are now. For bare wire, you can use it if there is a hole drilled through the post itself. If not, you can get banana or spade connectors that attach to bare wire, and they don't cost a l... 
Buying equipment
"FWIW I am unable to travel more than an hour (without about 3-7 days worth of planning)"I do believe that."I am unable to walk around and look at stuff nor sink down into cushy recliners to listen as sounds are offered to me and acoustic room tre... 
esoteric products
"03-16-15: PtssAxes anyone?It's beyond me why anyone (besides a tacky competitor) would cast aspersions on the corporation or the generally fine products?"I think you may be missing something here. No one's bashing Oppo. This is a statement from o... 
"forward' vs "laid back" speakers
"What I meant by forward, in particular, was where the soundstage started. On that day the soundstage started several feet out in front of the plane of the drivers, so it felt like you were sitting verrry close. There was definitely depth to the s... 
Nordost Tyr 2 Spkr Cables - Alternate for less $$
"Zd542 and Mrmb, thanks for your input. I thought of doing the Cable Company trial. Probably the right thing to do, but I know my system well enough to hear when I have a significant improvement, which the Nordost Tyr 2 have caused."Yes, but that'... 
Nordost Tyr 2 Spkr Cables - Alternate for less $$
"03-16-15: Polk432Shouldn't your speakers and components have Nordost wires inside them to, to be even more effective? IC's cables and power cords only go so far. What about the entire trail?"Its not necessary to do something like that. Components... 
Amps under $5k that are resolving at low volumes?
"03-16-15: Davide256Actually I have no problems with the 1.7's sounding shrill... every shrillness concern I had with them resolved to be caused by other components."I've heard that one before, lol. In all seriousness, though, even to play at mode... 
Which amp to buy? ARC GS150 or Reference 150 SE?
"I like the meters on the ARC GS150 (easier for bias adjustments) but the Reference 150 has no meters. How much of a pain is it to bias the Ref 150? Do I need an external meter to bias the Ref 150?"Meters or no, always use a multimeter to set bias... 
Help phono/headphone stage for Scout Jr. dyna 10x5
The DV P-75 would be a good choice. I have one of them on a Scout. You know it will work well with your current DV cart. Not only that, but its good enough to use a LOMC. Currently, I have the low output version of the DV 20 and its a great match....