Responses from zavato
Maggie LRS+ terminal issue Been a while since I owned Magneplanars, but from my recall, they don't accept bananas. I used Audioquest speaker cable and had them fitted with "Maggie pins" which were different than bananas but fit my MG2.6's perfectly | |
Maggie LRS+ terminal issue Been a while since I owned Magneplanars, but from my recall, they don't accept bananas. I used Audioquest speaker cable and had them fitted with "Maggie pins" which were different than bananas but fit my MG2.6's perfectly | |
Bricasti Model 1 Series II DAC I had no idea that I could update my M1 to a series 2. When I went with the MDX board I thought that was an excellent step. Can hardly imagine what the series 2 brings! | |
Acoustic Zen Matrix reference II IC I run Matrix balanced IC cables in my system where ever I can- amp/pre; phono stage/pre; dac/pre. Electronics are Pass (XP20/X250.8). Speaker cables areAZ Hologram II. Very pleased with this set up. | |
Bricasti DAC owners From my first hearing a Bricasti DAC, probably in 2015, I immediately thought this was great, not merely great for digital. I bought an M1, and in the years since I added the MDX board and 1.11 firmware. Still thoroughly satisfied. I run my DAC wi... | |
Stylus gauge recommendations ? Another vote for the Riverstone- Years back (around 4o yrs?) I started with a shure balance beam- it was very accurate. Then I splurged on aa very pricey digital scale from the UK. Total crap. About a year or two ago I bought the Riverstone (abo... | |
What is the current retail cost of your reference system? Approximately $1,500. and I will always say that | |
Why so few devices with BNC's?? It is lamentable that bnc is not the defacto norm for 75 ohm digital cables as a true 75 ohm cable can be built with a bnc cable. Years back on my first outboard DAC I asked the manufacturer if they could use a BNC connector in place of the RC... | |
Best amp for Salon 2 FWIW, I own Studio 2's. I am extremely pleased driving the speakers with a Pass Labs X250.8 amplifier. It's been quite the pairing here for the last 7 plus years. | |
2023 Audio System Wish List @jrosemd apt-Holman was a fine amp in its day but I am convinced preamps have come a long long way | |
Why are so many people spending so much money to build “perfect” streaming system? For me this one is easy- I have been into hifi and music since the 1970's. between LPs, which I never gave up on, CD and cassettes, I have thousands of titles on hand. I started to table in streaming a little over a year ago and took the full plun... | |
Sonic differences Ariston 11S vs Linn LP-12 @daveyf The Karousel is silly good | |
Any thoughts on Pass X150.8 ? I had a 150.8 briefly; then compared it to the 250.8. I found there 150.8 not tremendously involving- power was not the issue. I found the 250.8 much more involving and have owned that for 7 years now. It's a forever amp. | |
How did you get started in this hobby In the early 70’s my sister got a Panasonic compact system. I eventually bought an 8 track player and connected it to her system. Next step was my sister’s friend got married and when I went to their home the husband had a hifi like I had never he... | |
Do You Tell Others How Much You Have Invested in Your System? No I don’t share what I spend or have spent |