
Responses from zaikesman

Review: Morrow Audio 300B1 Monoblocks Tube amp
Whether or not Audiogon rules were broken here, I agree with those who feel this is clearly an impropriety (but not necessarily a poor reflection on the manufacturer, about whom I know nothing), and blame Audiogon for not preventing it, either by ... 
Billy Preston Dies
Well, seems either the Post has now updated the article to include a mention of "Will It Go Round In Circles", or I didn't catch it the first time around despite reading it twice. Anyway, it's in there.Here's a couple more links, Wikipedia and Bil... 
Mono Switch?
Fatparrot: There was another thread which brought up the mono cartridge question a while ago, and none of us could say for sure exactly what the difference was, or why it would be better to spend $$$ on another cart when a mono switch (which I hav... 
Acoustic Zen Double Barrel vs Grover Huffman
I don't know these names...Double Barrel vs. Grover Huffman? What is this, a shotgun wedding? ;^) 
Gallo REfF3's-All their cracked up to be?
"Well extended and airy highs, decent midrange, lack of any bloat in lower/mid bass with a slightly lean sound...the soundstage was enveloping"I don't understand, how is Photon46's reaction a "ditto" of Ojgalli's?:"Highs are good, but not spectacu... 
Review: Technics SL-1200Mk2 Turntable
I treated my 1200 'arm with the Music Direct tonearm wrap, a very thin, lightweight, elastic, self-adhering (without glue -- an advantage, to me) black polymer tape that's wound spiral-fashion to give complete, intimate-contact damping coverage fo... 
Conservative Politics & Rock Music
Not sure what you're referring to Gunbei, but does it have anything to do with why the congressional Republicans are suddenly so fixated on kicking/keeping the Mayans out of the US? And I thought it was just another diversionary "watch the birdie"... 
Plastic ring over tweeter opinion
"Duct tape is the answer to just about everything."That's certainly Red Green's philosophy...(those not in the habit of watching reruns of Canadian comedy on PBS, don't ask)Agree that altering whatever "phase" or "diffusor" plate/plug/ring/lens ac... 
Plastic ring over tweeter opinion
Check out my archived thread on this topic and more such proclamations from Mapleshade... 
XLR or single ended cables and why?
Andrew: The SPL is determined by the volume control setting. (We needn't go into the subject of dB's, watts and ohms, but suffice to say that it's not as you suppose.) Anyway, don't worry about any of this -- everything will behave as it did, exce... 
XLR or single ended cables and why?
The question here isn't whether Andrewdoan should buy components with balanced circuits, since he already owns them. Anyway, in home audio this choice is rarely about reducing overt noise levels. For a combination of reasons -- running true-balanc... 
Conservative Politics & Rock Music
Boa2: Yes, failure to perform a cannonball back into the gene pool really does seem to be a defining difference between my my liberal friends and I on one side, and my conservative friends on the other. By my calculation, we should go completely e... 
Conservative Politics & Rock Music
Hmmm...I recently broke personal taboo and ate what turned out to be a really great breakfast at a Lexington, KY Cracker Barrel just minutes from the Thiel factory (where Republican memorabilia is hung on the reception area walls and Rush Limbaugh... 
Conservative Politics & Rock Music
Totally agree with Onhwy61 about the myopically parochial definitions of what constitutes "rock" music, and the cause: ignorance (and/or revision) of history -- if not downright narcissism, or yes, racism. (Don't anybody get their pants in a twist... 
XLR or single ended cables and why?
Simple answer: With your Krell gear, you should definitely try out a balanced connection (and this is regardless of how long your cable run is). You don't need to commit first to purchasing the XLR interconnects if you can borrow a pair from a fri...