
Responses from zaikesman

Audiogon/Asylum and magazine reviewers posts
Not to get too far off on a tangent here, but Trelja's post prompts me to comment on a sentiment I've seen expressed around here before: That most of - or at least a lot of - us A'goners could be Stereophile-calibre reveiwers. While I don't believ... 
Upsampling the way to go? ?
As far as I know, an unfiltered DAC's analog output will only affect the speakers negatively if it affects the amp negatively. In other words, it's the amp that will potentially damage the speakers if it is made unstable by the unfiltered ultrason... 
Tweeter Dome Puncture
There seems to be some confusion among us respondees as to what design of tweeter you are dealing with here. If the tweeter is a dome tweeter, then this is not merely a dustcap, as I stated above; that would only apply if it is instead a cone twee... 
Tweeter Dome Puncture
Yeah, the dome is the driven element of the tweeter - it's what moves the air. Although a pinhole sized puncture in and of itself is probably not going to appreciably change the sound of the tweeter, it may be indicative of some sort of past impac... 
Audiogon/Asylum and magazine reviewers posts
Twl, best post of the week - right on brother! 
Audiogon/Asylum and magazine reviewers posts
Well, I don't know a blessed thing about the Asylum (I only have the room in my life for one these monumental time-fritterers!), but I do notice that the ol' StereoPile sure gets dumped on a lot around here (and not always without good reason), so... 
The Amp Quits Agin -- Am I Missing Something?
I think that piece of equipment is called a "crowbar"...:-) 
power up and shut down
Although I don't know why you seem to suspect that DC is being passed to your amp, if the amp hasn't blown a fuse or shut down and is still working OK, then it presumably isn't being harmed by anything. As for the hum, you'll have to go through an... 
The Amp Quits Agin -- Am I Missing Something?
If a check of the fuses yields nothing, then I would try swapping the input leads from the preamp between channels, to make sure it's not an upstream problem. I would also swap your speaker leads to make sure the speaker on the dead channel didn't... 
power up and shut down
At the risk of committing heresy, I think that sometimes too much is made of the switching sequence issue. If you decide not to leave your preamp on all the time because of tube wear, then simply use your ears - and take off the speaker grilles to... 
Static Noise Only When Music Plays
Try substituting some source components out of the system one at a time. For instance, try a source other than your CD rig (if you don't have a tuner, tape deck, or phono, then use a VCR or DVD), try running a source directly into your amp bypassi... 
Study finds your Amplifier reveal your personality
Blue Circle ~ Red Square?...hmmm...they do have socialized medicine up there...and what's the deal with those wooden knobs?...Might BCSS guys begin to sweat profusely when they are shown a Queen of Hearts? 
High Sensitvity = good transient response ?
Cdc, the physics of speaker and driver design basically dictate that if you're attempting to reproduce (almost) the whole frequency range with just one driven element, you're going to have to give something up. It could be efficiency, dynamic rang... 
VTL Service ??
Well, Hakan, where you are in Sweden, you would presumably be dependent upon the local distributor anyway, not an American company such as VTL itself, so don't let this disuade you from checking out the reputation that disributor might have in you... 
High Sensitvity = good transient response ?
To the excellent responses above, I would just like to add this readdressing of the thread-head's main question: Yes, it is perfectly possible to achieve good transient response from a speaker design of average sensitivity. But I would also like t...