
Responses from zaikesman

What could be instead of side walls?
Although it's hard for me to understand your situation from your description without some clarification, I'm not sure I read it the same way as Rives. It reads to me as if both your speakers are actually quite far away, in your estimation, from bo... 
Headphone Amps
I preferred the Musical Fidelity X-Cans v.2 to the ASL MG Head DT powering the HD600's. There are plenty of archived threads on this topic you should check out for more. 
Cal Audio CL-10 and Theta GenVa - - - TLC?
I own the DSPro Basic IIIa with a Pearl transport, and have found the Monarchy Audio DIP 24/96 jitter-reduction box to offer enough of a worthwhile improvement to invest in the extra digital cable as well (ya gotta go RCA into the DIP, but you can... 
Why low sensitivity speakers?
What he said, and probably also because not enough attention has been paid to the potential of modified horn-coupling strategies in audiophile speakers (except in the SET fringe), as wide dispersion and flat power response have seemingly gotten pr... 
Any inexpensive quality XLR cables?
You might want to be the lucky first one here to try out Roger Sanders' InnerSound interconnects (see the thread from the other day about his white paper). He sells these direct quite inexpensively, and offers a 30-day trial for full refund if not... 
What's the best dirt bag speaker you have heard?
That would have to be the Dirt Bag X-3000's. Best damn speakers Dirt Bag ever made! 
Component obsolescence
Cdc, that's a lot of questions, but I'll take a stab at them in order:1) Depends on the someone and on the component; anything that still provides enjoyment to anyone is not obsolete.2) & 3) Technology moves at different speeds at different ti... 
Speaker priority: high or low???
Just a note, Paul: It is not tube amplifiers that do not have flat response within the audioband - most do, as do amps in general. It is some speakers possessing uneven or reactive electrical impedance characteristics that will display slight devi... 
Speaker priority: high or low???
To me, the question was not, "Which component can you get away with spending the least on, speakers or amplifier, and still get acceptable sound?" To be fair, I'll state for the record that I personally feel the best price ratio concerning amps-to... 
Phony buyers on Audiogon
Annoying as the practice of backing out or disappearing may be, I disagree that there is anything legally binding or contractual contained in a potential buyer's making an offer or claiming they will buy an item. Auction bids are often described t... 
Questions about a new Ruby 2 cartridge
Well, I would tend to agree that a cartridge loading set too low is worse for the sound than one set too high. Some over-exuberence is preferable to constipation. But the question remains interesting, since from a technical point of view, it is we... 
4 ohm speakers with tube amps?
Just for the record, I have auditioned the Thiel CS1.6's at a local dealer, and they sounded absolutely wonderful in his set-up being driven by a VTL ST-85, a compact stereo tube amp employing a pair of push-pull EL-34's per channel coupled to the... 
Questions about a new Ruby 2 cartridge
Thomasheisig, I wonder if you could explain your comment above, about system set-up being incorrect elsewhere if your Benz sounds better at, say, 1k ohm loading than 47k ohm. This is not my experience, not to the best of my knowledge what electric... 
Phony buyers on Audiogon
Nothing unusual here by my of luck with your sale, and take Bob's good advice. 
Opinions on this "white paper"
Well, Twl, I wouldn't indict the measurement-makers so hard when the techniques, or even good ideas about what exactly to measure, may simply not exist yet regarding specific sonic qualities displayed by gear that is reproducing music programs. Ra...