Responses from zaikesman
Why is my composite so bad? I remember that thread, I believe you might still be confusing composite with component - two different things. Your gear may not support component connection however, so if not, you should use S-video connection if you can, but composite would be... | |
I don't understand Miles Davis' "Kind of Blue" I have the opposite problem with KOB - I love it, but have been so overexposed to it that I don't put it on too often myself. The exposure level is probably due to the fact that this record is frequently considered to be an 'easy' entry point into... | |
Ever perform a preamp bypass comparision test? Jetter, need I reiterate for you that this is *not* a product review? This post, if I do say so myself, actually delivers on the promise implied by its title line, should you choose to click on it - something that other post you refer to did not (... | |
My Tubed Amps Entered "Twilight Zone" It could have just been an intermitent problem that didn't show up the first time you connected the C-J pre to the Bryston, or the different input load seen by the cathode follower tube when swapping amps could, I suppose, have caused it to behave... | |
Ever perform a preamp bypass comparision test? JC, I appreciate your input, but I think you may have read some things into my post that I did not intend. I am not trying to make a case for running direct, and I do realize that my preamps (list prices about $1,800 to $3,000) are not SOA. Neithe... | |
Ever perform a preamp bypass comparision test? Drubin, what I've noticed in my tests is more of a subtraction from the sound than an adding to it, which I guess is good sign in theory. For instance, piano can lose a little of its sparkle and percussive incisiveness, rendering it just a little ... | |
Ever perform a preamp bypass comparision test? Basement, I'm not completely sure about this, but I think most preamps place the volume attentuator after a gain stage, so it might be that taking an output straight from the attenuator bypasses the output stage, but is not totally passive. The lo... | |
Ever perform a preamp bypass comparision test? We're still on slightly different pages here Sean, so maybe it is me who's not being clear. What I am suggesting is to stay with one set of outputs from the DAC (could be either one - the variable ones could be useful for achieving an overall volu... | |
Review: Meitner MTR-101 Amplifier Sorry to say it, but if these amps are as good as you seem to think, then they should certainly be deserving of a better 'review' job than this, which tells us practically nothing - don't you think?. Why not try again - this time paying some atten... | |
Long RCA interconnects to the headphone amp? Marakanetz, I have no experience with this gear, but I'll take a shot here since no one else has anted up. Considering the quality of most headphone cables compared to a good IC, and also that 3m is not a terribly long run, I would say to go with ... | |
Review: B & W Loudspeakers Nautilus 805 Monitor I've always liked the 805 for the money in all its iterations, but haven't heard the "N"-series, which should be the best yet. (However, the only thing Ms. Dion raises on me are my hackles...sorry! :-) | |
Taming/Damping Electrostat Backwave Although I disagree somewhat with Audiokinesis' theory about ambiance recreation, I do agree with his point concerning power response. (I believe speakers should ideally reproduce the actual ambiance captured on the recording, not introduce spurio... | |
My Tubed Amps Entered "Twilight Zone" Very strange indeed. I would go back and hook up each C-J component to each Bryston component again, and run them that way for a few days to see if the problem eventually crops up when the PV-5 and MV-50 are isolated from one another or not. (Abou... | |
Thank You Audiogon. Great story, and welcome to the cheapest merry-go-round in town. Sounds like your friend is in line for a steak dinner (and bring that salesman a doggy bag for the part he played)! Viva Audiogon!! | |
Ever perform a preamp bypass comparision test? Sean, your result would seem to maybe indicate that the attenuators in both your preamp and your DAC are of roughly the same quality (I take it that you normally run the fixed outputs from the DAC and use your preamp for level control). Have you e... |