
Responses from zaikesman

Phono Preamp Help - 47K Ohms - 100 Ohms .. Huh?
Consttraveler - Sorry, I'm not going to be of much help for specific recommendations, as I've never owned a super-low output MC that required a transformer (though I have read that Wright Sound offers a decent one for about $350). Maybe do a forum... 
MIT Love 'em or Hate 'em
Unclekrusty, you wouldn't be AKA 'Krusty The Clown' from TV's beloved The Simpsons, now would you? I'm tuning out most everything here beyond a certain point, save for the grin from Audiogon's beloved uncle Detlof... :-) 
Phono Preamp Help - 47K Ohms - 100 Ohms .. Huh?
Consttraveler, with a cart output so low as .23mv, many (most?) phono preamps will need the assistance of a phono step-up transformer to provide a sufficient amount of quiet gain, and that sounds to be the case with your system. 
MIT Love 'em or Hate 'em
Maxgain, you wouldn't be self-fulfilling your first-response prophecy under a bogus name- now would you? ;^) 
I don't understand Miles Davis' "Kind of Blue"
Interesting citing, Trelja, about the ABB and KOB - I can see that connection, now that you have pointed it out. (I'll politely take exception to "THE American Rock & Roll Band" however! :-) 
It's Magnepan 20.1's or B&W Nautilus 801's
That's wonderful - I wish *I* was getting a pair of those! Let us know how everything works out.Enjoy, Z. 
Checking the quality of your AC
Thanks Bufus, I realize the voltmeter won't tell me about other AC problems, but I still wonder if voltage correction is really necessary from what I see (or don't see) with this meter. 
Review: Coincident Speaker Tech Total Victory Speaker
Actually, Soundstage does contain a review in their archives showing a measured sensitivity for the Total Eclipse model as being 86dB vs. a claimed 94dB. I can't find a reference to a Stereophile review on Coincident's website or Stereophile's onl... 
Phono Preamp Help - 47K Ohms - 100 Ohms .. Huh?
Agree with Twl, except I wouldn't even call 'conflicting' answers a 'problem' (unless they're posted by the same individual!). If there was no sincere difference of opinion or experience to be found in this hobby, we wouldn't really need this foru... 
Phono Preamp Help - 47K Ohms - 100 Ohms .. Huh?
I have found that the recommended loading can be pretty useless as a guide to what sounds best. It seems to me you would probably prefer a loading somewhat higher than the low 100 ohm setting, but not essentially unloaded like 47k ohms. The correc... 
It's Magnepan 20.1's or B&W Nautilus 801's
My gut response for your musical tastes (mostly acoustic it seems) would be the Magnepans, but that doesn't mean the B&W's might not actually work better in your room, although you likely won't go far wrong either way. The B&W's could well... 
Review: Sistrum Mini-Minitor Platform Support-SMM 1 Stand
Although I have yet to be convinced by anyone claiming that vibrational transfer can be a one-way street, or that vibrations seek 'ground' like electricity, I do agree that speakers sound best when rigidly coupled to a non-resonant floor, and that... 
Cocktail of choice when listening to fav music?
All I drink in is the music...Cheers! 
Review: Coincident Speaker Tech Total Victory Speaker
Sorry, Natalie, I wish I had that information or could remember, but I don't. If I had to guess where I could have seen such measurements, it probably would have been either Stereophile or, so you could check their web archives. 
Why do Maggies need a lot of power?
Actually, I was thinking of the word 'average' in the strict sense, as in watts RMS, and the differences that can exist referenced to the peak level, at any listening volume.