
Responses from zaikesman

Continuation of my Thread on VPI, Basis, Origin...
Twl's learned response is instructive as usual, but fails (perhaps out of necessity, given the context) to address two of the fundamentals I was attempting to point out above: A) Rwd apparently is not happy with *either* a low-compliance Lyra *or*... 
Riddle me this...
How wonderful it would be if all speakers were easy to drive and possessed of high sensitivity, and less power would get us all by. But it seems to me that what some folks are conveniently overlooking in their romantic reveries about the 'golden a... 
Record-playing Rituals?
Hey, anonymity ought to be at least as good for truth-telling as it is for tale-spinning. :-) 
New Phono Pre-Amp
I spent only slightly more than that on my used Camelot Technology Lancelot, which Fremer rated above the others mentioned FWIW (it sells for about $900-$1K new). It's battery-powered BTW, something which I suspect is a very canny design choice fo... 
RFI issues in phono stage-one channel only ??
Does the radio signal get quieter if you cup your hands around the cartridge body? If there is a tuner in your system, does it help to unplug and physically remove it along with its antenna? Is there any change in which channel is affected if you ... 
why do power cords make a difference with transpor
I too am not surprised that the cord made a bigger difference on the transport, considering that's where jitter originates, and you're talking about a component not necessarily optimized for its functionality as a pure transport or with the greate... 
Continuation of my Thread on VPI, Basis, Origin...
I can not offer you any educated or experienced advice concerning the above choices, but the thing about your question that leaps out at me is, you don't even say exactly what it is about your current set-up you are not happy with. It does seem un... 
Best spkrs for rock: Dunlavy V-Watt/Puppy-Revel??
Listen to Sean, he knows of what he speaks when it comes to this... :-)Onhwy61, I don't have personal experience with all of the above speakers, including the 3.3's, but I must agree with Mejames when you propose that the speaker differences will ... 
Is a Phono required?
BTW, you say you have a 'digital' pre - does this digitize all incoming analog signals? 
Thiel 3.6 and 'grounding' / insulating
Congrat's on your house. Sometimes, with speakers that possess prodigious bass output like the 3.6's, it can be disadvantageous to postively couple the speakers to a more resonant suspended wood floor, especially if no carpet is laid, but it all d... 
DC Leakage and dealer issues
Peter, why not refer the manufacturer to this thread, and then see if they want to continue in their present vein? In the retail businesses I've been in, we have a saying: An unsatisfied customer will tell a hundred times more people about their e... 
Marble or Granite shelfs in a hifi rack?
BTW, the preceding doesn't mean I'm in love with MDF any more than I implied two posts ago, just that although I have mused about experimenting with replacing a shelf or two with something else and seeing what turns up, so far I haven't felt compe... 
Want to get excited about SACD again??
Having seen no evidence at all that dual-layer technology can hurt SACD fidelity, I have to say that I couldn't disagree more with your premise. Sure, one-format machines might be fine, and even desirable, for high end companies to manufacture for... 
DC Leakage and dealer issues
Without stating my thought as to who this designer/company probably is, the main thing I note from your post is this incongruity: The amp supposedly has DC 'protection circuitry', yet you go on to suggest that the manufacturer characterizes it as ... 
ARC SS amp vs tube - bass question
I have never made a head-to-head comparision of ARC SS to tube, so I can't answer your question directly, but I have always thought that ARC SS has been underrated, especially as a used buy in today's resale market. I ascribe this to the company h...